Page 7 of Love Quest
“Guess who the esteemed expedition leader, who incidentally hates women, is?”
“Mr. White Cheeks,” I say, collapsing onto the bed.
“I take it the introductions didn’t go well?” she asks, now definitely amused. Easy for her to laugh; she doesn’t have to spend the next month trekking through the Thai jungle with Satan. “And how come he hates women?”
I sigh. “Maybe ‘hate’ is a strong word.” I rest my back against the headboard and tuck my knees close to my chest. “It was more the attitude sailors used to have about women onboard ships.”
“And what was that?”
“That we’re bad luck or something. What an insufferable, dumb snob.”
“If he’s leading such an important expedition, he can’t be that stupid. Didn’t you say you’re after a legendary lost city?”
My heart does a little guilty flip, Satan’s words ringing in my ears.The nature of this expedition is confidential… No loose talk about a lost city of gold.
The dude’s so paranoid he even made everyone sign NDAs about it. An agreement I might have broken already by telling Lana… But I honestly don’t see what the big deal is with all this secrecy, and Lana’s my best friend, so she doesn’t count.
“I’m not supposed to talk about that,” I say, deflecting Lana’s question. And trust me, he can be that dumb.”
“Mm.” Lana says nothing, but still sounds as if she’s enjoying herself.
“You don’t seem sympathetic.”
“No, sorry. It’s just that I haven’t heard you so worked up about someone, well… ever.”
“I know! He’s the most annoying, arrogant bastard—”
“Does he have a name?” Lana interrupts.
“Kind of a sexy name to go with a sexy ass.”
“Oh, pfft, please. I take back everything nice I ever said about his anatomy. He doesn’t deserve it. And from now on, we’re referring to him as Satan.”
“How’s the face that goes with the ass?” Lana asks. “I couldn’t see over the phone; is he ugly?”
“He’s a type,” I say neutrally.
“What type?”
“Thick brown hair, hazel-green eyes, full lips, slight chin cleft, a few freckles…”
“Sounds like everyone’s type.”
I scoff. “If you enjoy watching a constant scowl. And, anyway, it doesn’t matter if he’s not repellent, physically, he’s still evil inside. Most beautiful things in nature are. Like, you wouldn’t kiss a cobra or eat a moonflower.”
“So kissing Satan would never cross your mind?”
“Haven’t you been listening? Of course it wouldn’t.”
“I have been paying attention, that’s why I’m asking. You’re the one who brought up kissing, not me.”
“You don’t get it!”
“What? That your boss?so to speak?is tall, handsome… presumably smart?”