Page 33 of Love Quest
“I still don’t like having my picture taken.”
“Then I’ll be sneakier next time.”
As I turn to walk away, he says, “I never said I was writing a book.”
“No, but you will,” I say. Then, I add in a mutter, “Tara did.”
Logan stalks after me. “What did you just say?”
I stop and turn to face him again. “Nothing.”
He’s wearing a strangely satisfied expression as he regards me, all hands-on-the-hips smug. “I should tell Tucker you only need half an hour on the internet this week, considering you had time to waste researching my ex.”
My jaw drops with outrage. And I hate him for connecting the dots so quickly, busting me for using the precious satellite connection to research Tara. “You’re the most insufferable man I’ve ever met.”
Satan flashes me a cocky grin I haven’t seen before, and says, “I’d say I’m intriguing, considering you went to all that trouble to find out about my ex.” He gives me a mock military salute, adding, “Have a nice bath,” and goes back to studying his map.
Fuming, I march toward the river where Tucker and Archie and our armed escort are waiting for me. When I get there, Tucker is already in the water, while Archie is showing off his sculpted physique on a flat rock while he undresses. The man can sure work a pair of board shorts.
I join him on the rock and start shedding all my clothes except for the bikini I’m wearing underneath in curt, angry motions. Mentally, I’m reliving my exchange with Logan.
What a pompous prick!
I can’t believe the nerve of that man.
I’d say I’m intriguing…
Intriguing, my ass.
Unbelievably annoying, maybe. Impossible, full of himself, overconfident… those are adjectives I would use. Not intriguing.
“Hey, Snowflake,” Archie cuts into my mental rant. “From the way you’re huffing and puffing, I can only guess you’ve just come from an encounter with Logan.”
“Ah! I don’t understand how you can be friends with him. He’s evil.”
Archie smiles, unconcerned. “I’ve already told him, and now I’m going to tell you, too. You guys should get over yourselves and just do it.”
“Do what?”
“Seal the deal, get some, bone each other… Call it as you may, but please get a move on.”
I stare at him, shocked. “Are you out of your mind? Every time I talk to him, I can’t go five minutes before I want to kill him.”
Archie winks at me. “It’s the sexual tension, honey. Trust me, just get it out of your system and you’ll feel better.”
I glare at him. “How come you’re not volunteering to blow off steam together anymore?” I ask.
I preferred when he was hitting on me every five minutes rather than pushing his annoying best friend on me.
“It’s clear I’m not your cup of tea, Snowflake,” Archie says, taking a step back toward the edge of the flat boulder. “And hate sex can be amazing.”
I twirl a finger next to my temple. “You está loco.”
“I’ve got 100 dollars here that say you’ll bang him before we get out of this jungle.” Archie turns and runs the remaining length of the rock, screaming as he races and then jumps.
I run and jump after him. “And I have 200 dollars that say I wooooon’t!”