Page 51 of Cream Pie
Jackie pales. “Okay! Okay! Let me just grab my—”
“Three,” I snap. She yelps and bolts for the door, snatching up a black trench coat from the coat rack and quickly covering herself with it. She glances back for one second, glares at me, and then slips out, slamming the door behind her.
I growl quietly, sinking back against the wall. Someone’s head is going to fucking roll for allowing her up here, that’s for fucking sure.
But, that’s for later. Right now, I need to fix this.
I look up at Marshall, and he looks down at me.
“I just don’t know, Javier,” he growls, turning away.
“C’mon, man,” grunt. “Look at me. Look me in the eye.” I force myself to stand, wincing a little. Amy slides in to me to help, but I shake my head, even if all I want is to wrap her in my arms. First, though, I need to fix this with Marshall.
He growls, but slowly, with Kendall pushing him back towards me, he turns, and our eyes lock.
“I love her,” I say quietly. “Unconditionally, without agenda. I’m in love with Amy.”
I turn to let my eyes hold hers, and she grins quietly, her eyes locking with mine and her face blushing. Heedless of everything, she steps into me, slipping her hand into mine, twining my fingers with hers, and squeezing me tightly.
“Look, I get it,” I growl. “Jesus fuck, man, I really truly get it. But I’m not ever going to hurt her, and I’m always going to respect her. After that, anything you have to say…” I shrug.
“Dad, what are you going to say? That I’m too young?”
“Yes,” he mutters.
Amy glares at him. “I mean, hello? Pot kettle black?”
In spite of everything, he smirks at her.
“Smart ass.”
“You did just marry my best friend, who’s my age. I think that sort of takes the wind out of that argument.”
Marshall’s still stewing on it when Kendall comes up to hold his arm, threading her fingers into his.
“I need to think about this,” he mutters quietly.
“Think all you want, dad,” Amy says quietly. “But I’m an adult, and I’ve made up my mind.”
She turns to me, her finger lacing into mine.
“I love him, dad,” she whispers, her eyes sparking as they hold mine. “You can get on board with that, or you can freak out, but it won’t change that.”
She bites her lip, looking into my eyes as a pink glow creeps over her cheeks.
“I could fire you and shred your professional career,” he grunts at me.
“You could,” I nod. “I’m not sure I’d even blame you. But I hope you don’t.”
He looks away, shaking his head.
“Fuck,” Marshall sighs. “I’m painted into a corner here, aren’t I?”
“Yep,” Kendall says with a small smile, squeezing his hand.