Page 5 of Her Irish Twins
“Thanks,” I whisper, quickly pulling it on and buttoning it up, at least partially covering my nudity.
“We’re going to protect you, Charlotte,” he growls quietly, never blinking as his eyes hold mine. “We’re going to protect you.”
He turns back, and I gasp as the car rumbles into the cold Boston night. Just me and two absolutely gorgeous, inked, muscled, completely naked Irish guys, headed who thehellknows where.
Charlotte Halsting, what thehellhave you gotten yourself into?
Chapter Three
The beat-upold Explorer roars towards the safe house, the heat rattling away trying to keep us a least somewhat not freezing, given that it’s fucking March 16th, in New England.
And, you know, we’re fuckingnaked.
Naked, bloodied, holding illegal guns, and speeding through the streets of South Boston is an all-aroundshiteidea, but I don’t really see an alternative. I glance at my brother, and I know he’s having the same thoughts. This isn’t the best plan—fuck, it’s not a “plan” at all—but we need to put distance between us and whatever the fuck just happened back there.
The men who charged in weren’t with the Syndicate, that I know. If anything like that was going to go down, believe me, Gavin and I would have been told. Besides that, I caught a brief glimpse at some of the ink on the guys we shot back there, and that laid it all out clear: Russian Bratva. I don’t know what the fuck the Russian mob wants with her, but all Idoknow is, they were afterher, and neither Gavin or I were going to let that happen in a million fucking years.
I glance into the review mirror, my eyes sweeping over Charlotte. She’s curled in a ball in the backseat, clearly trying to keep it together after what she just saw. She’s got the big shirt of mine that was sitting on the seat on around her now—and I’m so much bigger than her that it fits like a damn dress. Well, or skirt—a very short, very revealing skirt, at that.
I growl, my eyes slipping lower in the darkness of the car. She’s got her knees up, her arms around them, and I know a whole pile of shit’s just been dropped at her feet, but fuck me, I can’t help it. Because right there, in the shadows between her thighs, my eyes lock onto her pretty, pink, pouty little pussy.
And I fuckinggroan. I groan and my cock begins to thicken and swell with a mind of its own. Gavin glances over at me and frowns before he raises a brow as if to say, “what in the holy fucking hell is wrong with you.” But I just shrug and nod my chin back at Charlotte. He glances in the mirror, and then he’s also biting back a growl at what he sees.
“Eyes on the road, brother,” I mutter.
Gavin takes one more look before he whistles slowly and turns his gaze back to driving.
“Where are we going?”
Her voice is quiet, and soft. I turn to look back at her, doing my best to cover my cock with my hands, even if I might need another four hands to actually pull that off given my size. It’s not that I’m embarrassed at being hard, I just don’t want to freak her out any more than she already is.
“Safe house,” I growl quietly. “Where you’ll be safe.”
Gavin snorts next to me, and I elbow him hard. But Charlotte seems to smile.
“That sounds…” she bites her lip impishly. “Safe?”
Gavin snickers, and I elbow him again.
“Are you hurt?” I growl softly.
She shakes her head.
“I can come back there if you’re… you know…” I frown. “If you’re…”
“Freaking out?”
I smile softly, nodding, and she nods.
“I—yeah, sure.” She bites her lip. “Please.”
I nod, undoing my seatbelt. I start to crawl back, and Charlotte gasps at my nudity, and at my still-hard cock.
“Oh, God, I’m… sorry, I—”