Page 27 of Her Irish Twins
“I’m sorry, Charlotte. She wanted to call you, but it was too dangerous. Those Russian fucks knew who she was, which means they’d know to watch you and even monitor you.”
I smile wryly as I glance at a grinning Gavin and Ben.
“Seems to be a theme these days,” I mutter dryly as they both wink at me.
“Charlotte,” Keily murmurs, hugging me close. “I wanted to reach out so badly, we just couldn’t chance it.”
“The hell was your plan, Ash?” Clay mutters. “Stay here and screw until you ran out of food?”
Ash’s eyes narrow for a second at Clay, who I gather is technically his boss.
“Easy, Clay,” he growls. “All due respect butwatch your mouth.”
Clay bristles for a second, and the tension palpably ratchets up in the room, before suddenly he grins.
“My mistake, brother,” he grunts, nodding at Ash. “That was out of line of me. But the question is the same.”
Ash nods. “The plan was to stay out of sight until the heat cooled a little. Honestly, it was going to be another day, tops. Then I had some boys I know down at the docks ready to fake Keily and I on a manifest for a ship headed to the U.K.” He grins. “Let those vodka-swilling shitheads chase a couple of ghosts all around Europe while I brought Keily in to base here with you and get this sorted.”
Gavin snorts. “Not a bad plan.”
“I’ve had worse,” Ash shrugs, grinning as he slips an arm around my sister.
“So, yeah,” Keily shrugs at me, blushing. “We had to hide out, so we… uh…”
I arch a brow. “Hid out, huh?”
Her blush deepens fiercely, and I grin at her. “I think I can figure out the details from that.”
I step back, and gasp quietly as I feel Ben and Gavin slide up behind me, both of them sliding an arm around me. This time, it’smyturn to blush as I see the recognition bloom on my sister’s face.
“Okay, um,yeah,” she hisses at me. “Details? Like, right fucking now?”
I groan, my face burning as I bury my face in my hands. Keily laughs as she moves into me, hugging me tightly.
“I’m so glad you found me.”
“I’m so glad you’re okay,” I whisper back.
“So, now what?” Gavin frowns. “I mean the Bratva is still out there, and it’s not like they’re a small crew. This could seriously mean—”
He turns to see Clay holding a finger up and nodding towards Eamon, who’s outside the apartment door on the phone, nodding.
“Right, right,” he growls. “Absolutely. No, we’ll clean it up here and reconvene. And yeah, I’ll tell them. Thanks, Connor.”
He pockets the phone and turns back.
“That was the council,” he growls lowly. “They’re aware of the situation, and they’ve even been in touch with the Russians. It’s a fracture group, not the whole Bratva. A couple of lieutenants went rogue with some men, and they’re apparently stirring up some real shit for the Russian higher-ups. There’s a sit down tomorrow with our high council and theirs to settle this shite and bury any ill-will.”
He nods at Gavin and Ben.
“In the meantime,” he smirks at them. “You lads did good. Really good. In fact, I put in a word about you two in particular, and the Kings want you back in Dublin to talk about next steps, maybe a promotion.”
Ben and Gavin glance at each other, brows raised.
“Wow, shit, Eamon,” Gavin says quietly. “Thank you.”
He nods.