Page 27 of Leia's Playmaker (Silver Spoon Falls Falcons)
"Gavin called," he says, his voice quiet.
I stop walking mid-step. "What? Seriously? When?"
"Ten minutes ago."
"Said he had a proposition for me."
"Holy crap. You think it's…?"
"I don't know, but he's coming to the arena," Colter growls. "Told me he'd be here around four. You think you can make it here by then?"
I pull the phone away from my ear to look at the time. It's not even two. "I can definitely be there by then. I just got home."
"What? Why?"
"My head hurts," I complain. "I spent all morning reading the internet."
"The whole internet, huh?"
"Shut up."
He chuckles. "I'm sorry you don't feel well, pretty baby. You need me to come over there and take care of you?"
"It's just a headache. I'll be fine."
"You sure?"
"Yes!" I smile, shaking my head. He's kind of adorable when he worries. "Go play with your stick or something. I'll be there to spy on you and Gavin in about an hour. I'm going to hop in the shower first."
"Fuck," he groans. "You're getting naked and soapy without me?"
"Yep. Bye."
"I love you."
"I love you too, Bossy. Go play with your stick."
"I prefer when you do it."
"I'm hanging up now," I sing song, smiling like a crazy person. His laughter floats down the line as I end the call. Lord. He's a menace. I hope he never changes.
I send Dillon a quick text to let him know the latest, and then remember I didn't even tell Colter about my call with Dillon. It's entirely his fault for distracting me. Now, he'll just have to wait until later to hear what Dillon discovered.
Half an hour later, I've showered, changed into team colors, and am rooting around in my bag for my favorite lipstick when the front door opens.
"Colter, you crazy man," I say, not even looking up. "I told you that it's just a little headache."
He doesn't say anything.
I glance up into Gavin's gray eyes.
My heart slams against my breastbone in a jarring thud.
"G-Gavin." I lick my lips, trying to work moisture back into my mouth. "What are you doing here?"
He pushes the front door closed before stepping deeper into the living room. The fact that he isn't speaking sends chills up and down my spine. I pat around in my bag, feeling for anything I can use for a weapon. There's nothing in there that might actually hurt him, but maybe there's something that'll give me a fighting chance. Just enough of one to get away.
My phone is still in the bathroom.
My hand closes around my audio recorder.
I fumble with the buttons and hit record.
"Elysa's still at work. Did you come to pick something up for her?" I ask, playing dumb. Maybe if I act clueless, he'll think I know nothing and leave.
He flicks his gaze toward the hall.
I quickly slip my hand from the bag, dropping the audio recorder behind it on the couch.
"You've been following me," he says, his gaze drifting back to me.
"First in your car and then in your boyfriend's truck. I knew it was you when I saw his truck out front the other night." He speaks quietly, his voice eerily calm. "Why have you been following me, Leia?"
"I…" My mind is a complete blank, panic coursing through me. "Elysa thinks you're seeing other women," I blurt the first thing that comes to mind. "She asked me to follow you to see if I caught you with anyone."
"And your boyfriend? Why was he following me?"
"He didn't know. I…I didn't want to tell him what I was doing because it sounded crazy, so he refused to leave unless I let him tag along." I shrug helplessly. "He's kind of relentless. After the grocery store, he told me that we were done following you and that you and Elysa needed to figure out your own stuff."
"Mm," Gavin says. "There's just one problem with your little story, Leia. Elysa wouldn't send you to spy on me if she thought I was seeing another woman. She'd do it herself."
Crap. He knows her better than I thought.
"You're writing a story about me, aren't you?"
"I don't know what you're talking about," I lie. "Why would I be writing a story about you?"
A sardonic smile slides across his handsome face. It's a shame he's not a very good person because he's not a bad-looking guy. He just kind of sucks as a human. "I think we both know the answer to that, don't we?"
"I wouldn't ask if I knew, Gavin." I roll my eyes. "Obviously."
"You were at the arena the night I met Bruce Gordon. Did you see me? Were you already following me, or is that what tipped you off?"
"What are you talking about?" I huff, trying to keep him talking. The more he reveals and the longer he talks, the longer I have to figure out how I'm getting out of this one. Colter is going to be pissed when he finds out Gavin came here. The sheriff isn't going to be thrilled, either. I promised I'd be careful. I should have been careful enough to lock the freaking door.