Page 21 of August Kind of Love
We played in the snow for an hour, managing to build a small snowwoman, according to Emily. When we went back inside, the power was on. We cheered and did a little dance. The house would be warm again. We could make toast. Before that, Codrin announced that he had to leave.
“You can’t leave,” Emily said. “We have to watch a show.”
“Sorry,” Codrin said. “Maybe next time.”
I walked Codrin to the garage, where he backed out his SUV.
“Have any idea how I can get my EV?” I asked.
“Give it two days. Then, I’ll take you to your car. We’ll get it out.”
“The snow will be gone by then?”
“Not all of it, but it’s still November. There will be some warmish days. Most of it will melt.”
“Sounds good. I think I’m going to work from home until Emily goes back to school.”
“Very good idea, now that you have power.”
He slipped into his vehicle, and in seconds, he had plowed through the snow on the drive and was in the street. He started off neither fast nor slow. I told myself that I needed to learn to drive in the snow.
“I like him,” Emily announced when I returned to the family room. “He’s fun.”
“I like him too. Now, little lady, do you have homework to do?”
“No, we didn’t have school today.”
“Homework from yesterday.”
“I left it in the car.”
“I see. Do you think we could see if your teacher posted new work online?”
“She wouldn’t do that.”
“Why not?”
“Because she knows we won’t look.”
“If that’s so, maybe we should call her.”
Emily frowned. “We should probably look on the computer.”
“Wise choice.”
I pulled up the school web site, and we navigated to Emily’s class. The homework assignment from the day before had been posted, but nothing had been added.
“I know you’re going to tell me you don’t have your books and things, but you can still do the worksheet that she posted yesterday. I’ll print it out.”
She made a face and shrugged. “OK.”
While Emily did homework, I went around the house, returning it to its normal state. The effort did a lot to quell the fear I had felt before. Things are where they were supposed to be. That was great. I logged into my corporate account and checked for messages. The bank was closed, along with most of the other businesses in the area. The city had declared an emergency, so people weren’t supposed to be out. Plows and emergency vehicles needed space. A few bank employees had emailed me with questions, and I answered them the best I could. They were expected to come to work the next day. If that changed, the local radio and TV stations would broadcast any closures. It was the same drill in every city in the country. I went on to check the special email the corps had set up for me.
No messages.
Wayne had not surfaced.
I stared at the screen as a pang of guilt flowed through me. Emily and I had fun with Codrin. He was everything most women would want. But, I was married, happily married. Having a good time with another man felt…wrong. I supposed I was old school. I could have fun with girlfriends and in groups, but I had to steer clear of single men.