Page 80 of Devious Roses
“Westoria Prep!” she laughs fondly. “Say what you will about it, but it’s a good school. One of the best in the country.”
“Here we go.”
“Well, it is!”
The defensiveness in her tone is what does me in. I join her laugh and think on how we were when we first met. How far we’ve come over what’s damn near twenty years. Never would I have imagined choosing to move back to Westoria, let alone with the intention of starting over with my wife.
…with the hope we’ll raise a family there.
Yet, here I am, looking forward to this next phase. The idea I’ll be giving Delphine peace of mind in a new home with fresh memories, and a place we can truly call our own.
“It’ll be good for us,” I say. “Give us some distance from the city life and my operation. From your work too.”
“Thank you for making me happy.”
Delphine’s words warm me up to the point I can only nod. “I could say the same to you.”
* * *
The day marks another relaxing one for us. I go with Delphine to her physical therapy. She does well, and we’re told her progress is amazing.
“You’ll make a full recovery in no time,” says the physical therapist. “Just remember to do your exercises before bed and in the morning when you wake up. Continue wearing your sling.”
“She will,” I say.
It earns me a pointed look from Delphine.
“You are such a hypocrite,” she scolds when we leave.
“Me? A hypocrite? Never.”
“You have made sure I listen to every piece of advice down to the letter,” she says as we exit the resort doors and enter the spring sunshine. “But let it be you sporting the injury and it’s fuck the doc’s advice. Remember how you refused to rest when you had broken ribs?”
“That’s different.”
Her brows knit. “Oh, really? How so?”
“I don’t care what happens to me. Never have. I’m used to injuries given my background and upbringing,” I say. Then I slide a gentle arm around her shoulders. “But you… you’re not supposed to be hurt. So I’ll make sure you get better when you do.”
She sneaks a sideways smile at me. “Just as long as you realize I’m also going to make sure you get better. I’ll nurse you to health no matter how many times you complain.”
“Phi, we’ve been over this. You put on a little white nurse uniform and I’ll let you do whatever you want.”
“How can I forget? Low cut in the front.”
“And ass out in the back,” I finish with a throaty laugh.
We wind up at a private beach. A relaxed, lazy vibe hangs in the cool air. We strip down, Delphine in a bikini and me in swim trunks, and choose one of the canopied cabanas. She can’t swim but enjoys lounging by the ocean and watching the waves crash against the shore. I enjoy being around her… and seeing her in whatever bikini she’s wearing.
Only Delphine can look sexy in a strappy bikini and a shoulder sling.
I plant my hands on either side of her beach chair and hover over her. My eyes gleam and I watch her lips as they part in question.
“Just wait ’til we make it back to our suite,” I say. “I’m going to be all over that ass. Payback for you prancing around in this bikini.”
She giggles. “Jon… we agreed we’re going to start trying for kids. But I didn’t meanthissoon.”
“I did. I meant having you pregnant by yesterday. We’re already behind. Which means we’ve got a lot of catching up to do.”