Page 41 of Devious Roses
The playfulness vanishes with his sigh. “It’s not the easiest place to be… but I’ve experienced worse.”
“That sounds cryptic.”
“I don’t want to worry you.”
“I’m already worried. I won’t stop worrying until you’re home safe and cleared of all charges. I might as well know the truth.”
“There’s… been some issues. I’ve handled them, but it’ll probably be a thing I’ve got to deal with,” he says. “Guys know who I am. They know who my father was. They… they know who you are.”
I go still while my heartbeat doubles. I’m trying to understand what he’s saying. He’s speaking so carefully, with such restraint that there’s hidden meanings to each word. I rub my forehead with my free hand like I’ve developed a sudden migraine.
“Are you saying they’re starting trouble with you because of who you are?”
“It’s a given. I’ve got a reputation in their world. So did my father.”
“And so do I,” I whisper. My eyes close. “Jon, you’re probably locked up with guys whoIthrew behind bars. I’m… oh my god, I’m so sorry.”
“Phi, it’s not on you. You were doing your job as ADA. I’ve been handling ‘em. I’ll continue to do so.”
“Visitor day is this weekend. I’ll be there. I can’t wait to see you.”
I almost feel his grin through the phone. “I look forward to it.”
“I’ve been working with Carlos, building your defense. We’ll be ready for Polk.”
“Thanks. But don’t be too hard on yourself. We’ll get through this. We always do, Phi. Me and you—nobody’s ever going to succeed in keeping us apart. Your father couldn’t. My father couldn’t. The whole damn world won’t be able to, no matter how hard they try.”
It’s the words I need to hear right now. I sputter out a soft sob and tell him how much I love him before we run out of time and we’re hanging up. Wiping away the new tears—something I’ve been doing a lot in recent times—I return to my law books and laptop, more determined than ever.
* * *
I’m sitting cross-legged on the bed when the front door of the loft opens. Two men enter, quickly recognizable by their voices ringing from down the hall. Salvatore and Stitches have walked through the door and are sharing a laugh. A confused frown flickers onto my face as I linger for a second at the edge of the bed and question if I’m imagining things.
No more than a second later, they both appear in the bedroom doorway.
I launch myself at him. So fast, so quick, you’d think I could fly the way I leap from the bed and into his arms.
He catches me with another one of his rare, deep laughs. We share a brief smile before our lips are colliding in a happy kiss. It’s not until the eager kiss ends that he sets me down on my feet.
Stitches shakes his head. “I’d tell you two to get a room but you’re standing in yours. Guess I’m the intruder.”
“What’s going on!? How is this possible?! Please don’t tell me you broke him out—”
“I’ve been released,” Salvatore answers vaguely. “Cleared of all charges.”
My eyes widen and I release a scream that would alarm the birds.
The rest of our evening blurs. I’m swept up into the celebration of Salvatore being home. Time runs away from us, and every time I do try to check, it’s like my brain refuses to compute it. It’s telling me it doesn’t matter.
Time is of no consequence when Salvatore and I have finally been reunited.
I just know itfeelslike forever.
Stitches leaves us alone. We cook dinner. For once it’s effortless, almost gourmet. Nothing could be more perfect about our reunion.
Salvatore picks me up and carries me like a groom does his bride, into our bedroom. The lights have been dimmed and candles burn everywhere. I don’t question it. I hold onto him, my arm wrapped around his shoulder, and smile up at him without a thought in my head.