Page 5 of A Princess for Daddy
Ihave no idea why my stepdad is acting so weird. We have dinner together every night, yet tonight, Bart seems uncommonly jumpy and on edge. His handsome face is flushed, and his hair is tousled in a messy yet sexy way.
“Are you okay?” I ask while taking a bite of my lasagna.
Bart jolts, and then looks at me.
“What? Oh yes, I’m sorry.”
“I’m just asking if you’re okay, Daddy. I know when I came out from my shower, you weren’t around. Did something go wrong?”
Bart’s fingers tighten on his fork, the knuckles almost white. But he manages a stilted smile.
“Yeah, I’m fine, baby girl. Like I mentioned, the kitchen in this trailer can get really hot, and I stepped outside to cool down. Even with all the windows open, this place can be a fucking sauna.”
I nod, taking another bite of my lasagna.
“It can, and I’m sure it didn’t help that I took a really hot shower,” I say. “The steam’s still coming out. Here, let me see what happens if I open the front door,” I murmur before getting out of my seat and propping the door to the trailer open. A waft of fresh air comes in, and I smile at my stepdad. “There, that’s better right? I swear that breeze alone will bring the temp down a couple degrees.”
But something tells me that Bart’s not hot under the collar because of cooking. He won’t meet my eyes, and keeps fiddling with his napkin. Plus, he’s not eating. My stepdad loves to eat, and has the appetite of a bear, so the untouched lasagna on his plate is a dead giveaway.
To be honest, my stepdad’s jittery manner is really strange. For as long as I’ve known him, Bart’s always been a relaxed guy. Don’t get me wrong because without his morning coffee, he’s a total grump. But the man of the house is the kind of guy who doesn’t get riled up over nothing. If anything, he soothes me after I’ve had a bad day at work, or helps me prepare for tests back when I was in school.
So to see him flushed like this, fidgety and nervous, is super-weird. I put down my fork.
“Daddy,” I say in a serious voice. “What’s wrong? It’s like you’ve eaten a frog or something.”
Still, my handsome stepfather won’t fess up.
“No, things are fine, Christy,” he growls. “Don’t worry your pretty little head about it.” Then, he tries to change the subject. “So what’s on the agenda for tonight? You want to watch a movie with your old dad? Or how about some board games?”
I giggle because this is something we’ve been doing for as long as I can remember. When my mom was still alive, the three of us would repair to the living room after dinner and play Parcheesi, Connect Four, or Chutes and Ladders. I know, these are dumb children’s games, but I was a kid back then, and my parents were in the habit of indulging me. So what if I like things simple and straightforward? I’ll never become a chess player because I don’t enjoy games of strategy that make my head hurt. Instead, I like keeping things light and fun, so cheesy games it is.
Still, tonight’s not the night.
“Sorry Daddy, no can do. I have other plans.”
One black brow comes up.
“Plans?” Bart asks in a casual tone. “What kind of plans?”
I take a deep breath because my father’s become more and more protective as I’ve gotten older, and I know this isn’t going to sit well with him. Should I lie about where I’m going tonight? I take a deep breath and decide to fess up because I don’t like to lie to the man of the house. Something about it always makes me feel so guilty, with a bad taste in my mouth.
“Well,” I say in a slow tone. “Jet Elliston is taking me out tonight. He thought we’d grab shakes at the Roadhouse Diner, and then maybe catch a movie.”
My stepfather goes utterly still, harsh streaks on his high cheekbones.
“Is that so?” Bart asks in a smooth tone.
I nod.
“You know that Jet Elliston has asked me out a couple times in the past. It started back when we were in high school, but I hated his cocky jock attitude. I mean, I don’t care if someone plays football. That doesn’t mean that you’re the king of the world with your clique of teammates and cheerleaders. Kindness and compassion are much more valuable.”
Bart nods slowly, his blue eyes intent.
“So what made you change your mind?” he asks.
I put my fork down, considering for a moment.