Page 16 of A Princess for Daddy
“Christy, it’s not like we just met yesterday. We’ve been living in close quarters for years now, although of course, things took a left turn last night. But I’ve been thinking about you and me for a while now, and yes, these thoughts have always been off-limits. I’m a dirty motherfucker dreaming about his stepdaughter like this, but I want to be real and honest with you. I don’t want to beat around the bush, or lie.”
I stare at Bart, breathless from his words.
“And that means?”
“It means that I want to see where this goes,” he growls, his azure gaze intense. “I want to see if we can sustain a permanent relationship that includes marriage, babies, and everything that comes with it. I know this is overwhelming because you’re only eighteen, but it’s something that I’ve been thinking about for a while now, and I don’t want to hide my true intentions. Of course, I understand if you don’t feel the same way. You’re just a girl, honey, with your entire life ahead of you.”
I’m astonished because never in my wildest dreams did I think the man of the house would utter these words. Of course, I don’t know what I was thinking, period. I’ve been attracted to Bart for a long time now, but I had no idea that his fantasies included a house with a white picket fence and a dozen rugrats.
“Are you serious?” I breathe.
His blue eyes flare and glow with heat.
“A hundred percent,” he rasps, reaching forward to caress one of my pink nipples. “I can imagine my child drinking from your breast, and then your sweet pussy giving birth to another one of my children. And then another. And then another. Your body is a temple to be worshipped, baby, and I want to give you a lot of babies.”
The knowledge makes my heart soar with joy because I’ve always wanted to be a mother, although of course, I never let myself think of Bart as the potential father of my children. But now that he’s spoken the words, I can envision a future together – a hearth filled with laughter, love, and a dozen children in every nook and cranny of our home.
“That’s what I want too,” I confess in a soft voice, glancing shyly at the handsome alpha male from beneath my lashes. “I’d love to have your babies, Bart.”
He nods, but doesn’t touch me again.
“Are you sure, Christy? After all, I used to be married to your mother, and I can see how that would be a dealbreaker for you.”
I stop for a moment to think, biting my lip.
“No, I think it’s okay,” I say. “It’s not ideal, don’t get me wrong, but I also feel like we’re honoring Sharon by doing this. Don’t you agree? I mean, we were the two most important people in her life, so if we got together and built a life with each other, I think she’d be okay with it. I think she’d approve, to be honest.”
My stepfather nods, his blue eyes intense.
“Well, I’m not sure that Sharon would approve,” he hedges. But overall, I think she’d come to terms with the situation. But you understand that a lot of other people will see this differently, right? They’ll denounce us as incestuous, and label our relationship as dirty and wrong. Some folks are puritanical and can’t get over themselves. No matter what we do, they’ll label us perverted and heretical, and try to run us out of town. It’ll be like the Salem witch trials again.”
I nod somberly.
“I know, Bart. We had one of those uber-conservative clubs at school. I don’t remember what they were called. Maybe the “Defenders of American Values” or something like that? But yeah, I can see how folks with a stick up their butt would condemn us.”
“But are you okay with that?” Bart asks in a low voice, his expression serious. “Hartsville is a small place, and word will get around quick. You’ll probably lose some friends along the way, and be subject to a lot of gossip and whispers.”
I think for a moment. The fact is that I’ve never known any place other than Hartsville. This little city is where I grew up, and where I still live as an adult. Am I really ready for the shitstorm that will explode if I start a family with my stepfather? If I tell the world that I love him, and if we tie the knot?
But one look at Bart’s blue eyes makes my heart melt. Of course I’m ready for it. I’m ready to brave anything so long as I have this handsome man by my side, and I’m not afraid of what might come. Besides, there are a lot of unknowns in the equation. Maybe people in Hartsville are a little more evolved now. Or maybe no one will care, and they’ll mind their own business. It’s a lot of “maybes,” and I’m willing to take the plunge.
“Let’s give it a go,” I say in a breathy voice. “I want to be with you, Bart, and see where this takes us. Besides, it’s fun, right?” I ask while jiggling one big breast at him. “We’ll have a lot of fun together.”
Immediately, the big man latches his mouth to my nipple, making me throw my head back with pleasure.
“Mmmm,” I murmur happily.
Bart pops off the pink teat, glancing up at me with a wicked grin.
“You do know that if we’re in a relationship, I’ll be taking your virginity, don’t you?” he growls. “No more pussyfooting around with the front and back inspections and whatnot. Your hymen is mine.”
Laughing throatily, I part my legs to show him my glistening slit before pulling the swollen lips back to give him a look at my bulging clit and already-soaked hole.
“Yes of course,” I breathe. “Daddy, this was always yours. Now come and claim it.”
With those words, the handsome alpha male pounces on me once more, his staff stiff, dripping, and totally ready. It leaves a trail of pre-come on my thigh, making me gasp, but I only want him more.
“Yes,” I hiss, watching with wide eyes as the handsome man angles himself over my curvy form.