Page 13 of A Princess for Daddy
“Thanks,” I murmur. “But how about you, Jet? How are things at home?”
The handsome boy shrugs.
“They’re good. I still live with my folks but I’m moving out soon.”
“Oh, me too!” I exclaim brightly. “I mean, I’m still living at home with my stepdad, Bart, but I won’t be moving out. We’re just getting by at the moment, so it’s cheaper to share living quarters.”
Jet stirs his milkshake with his straw and frowns.
“Really? You’re still living with your stepdad?”
I try not to let those words get to me.
“Yes,” I say in a firm tone. “Bart was laid off recently so money’s tight. Actually, I’m covering the rent with what I earn at Tootsie’s, and while your dad pays well, the hourly wage isn’tthatamazing. It’s not going to pay for an apartment or anything.”
Jet nods.
“But Bart’s not your real dad, right?”
I nod.
“That’s right. My mom married him when I was in middle school. But you know what happened. Sharon passed away from the Big C, and Bart was kind enough to let me continue staying with him, even though we’re not blood relatives. He’s a nice guy.”
Jet looks thoughtful, his eyes far away for a moment.
“He’s nice, huh?”
I pause for a moment.
“Who, my stepdad? Yes, he’s very nice. Why are you asking?”
Jet shrugs.
“Let’s just say that people around Hartsville gossip, and Bart Cranston has a reputation around town.”
I gasp, shocked. But then I lean forward and pin the young man with my gaze.
“What reputation? Why, what are people saying?”
Jet shrugs, his chestnut hair flopping over his forehead.
“They say your stepdad’s a hound dog that’s all. And that he likes them young. As intooyoung.”
I pause for a moment. There’s some truth to those words because during high school, my stepdad dated a couple women who were younger than him. Okay, quite a bit younger. The last one was probably only in her early 20’s, but Pamelaseemedolder because she had a job as a bank teller. She was responsible and very with it. Plus, she wore her hair in a bun at the nape of her neck, and only mature ladies do that!
Nonetheless, I fix my date with a look.
“You know, I don’t know what people are saying about my stepfather, but whatever it is, it’s malicious and untrue. It’s not a crime to date younger women,” I say in a lofty tone. “As far as I know, Bart hasn’t done anything wrong.”
Except what he just did with you, the voice in my head whispers.Your liaison with him is definitely taboo.
But I push the voice out of my head and merely fix Jet with a look.
“Who are you hearing these rumors from anyways?”
The young man shrugs, his letter jacket crinkling along the shoulders.
“My dad,” he says in a casual tone. “And you know my dad. He owns half a dozen businesses in Hartsville, so he hears everything.”