Page 71 of The Anti-hero
Adam clears his throat and tosses the cum-stained tissue into the trash can in the corner of the room and then our eyes meet for the first time.
He opens his mouth to say something and I have no idea why I feel the need to speak before him. Maybe because I expect him to say he’s sorry and I don’t want to hear an apology. Nothing about what just happened requires one in my eyes.
“Well, the viewers are going to love that,” I say with a smile.
His mouth closes as he fights a smile. “You’ll have a lot of editing to do.”
With that, he pulls me toward the door. When I try to pick up the papers on the floor, he touches my shoulder.
“Don’t,” he says, “I want him to know we were here.”
“Oh, he’s going to know,” I reply with a laugh as I glance back at the mess we left on his desk.
We’re in the car, driving back to Sage’s place, when I realize I want to take her to dinner—at my parents’ house. My fingers grip the steering wheel as the idea enters my head, and I know that even though it’s fucking crazy, there’s no way I can let it go now.
Glancing over at her in the passenger seat, my cock twitches in my pants as I remember what her body felt like in my hands. How perfect that little ass is and how hard I came just from rubbing my dick on her.
My memory of the night we had sex is hazy from alcohol and adrenaline. I want to remember what it feels like to really sink my cock inside her. I want to feel how tight she is, how warm, how sweet, and how dirty.
What happened just now in my father’s office was crossing the line, but at least we crossed it together. I could read the expression of need and desire on her face. She came at the same moment I did. That’s just how in sync we are. How mind-blowing would the sex have been if we let ourselves truly give in?
What kind of man does that make me if I treat this girl like she means nothing more to me than a quick fuck? If I’ve disregarded her for so long but suddenly find myself wanting to know how she feels from the inside.
It makes me a piece of shit. It makes me no better thanhim.
My head is getting flooded with guilt when I truly need to keep my focus here. Take down Truett. Ruin the man who took everything from me.
I’ve fucked with his work. Now I’m ready to fuck with his home.
“Will you come to dinner with me?” I ask, glancing sideways at her. My eyes catch on the way her soft-pink waves blow across her face, revealing the constellation tattoo on the side of her neck.
“Dinner?” she asks, curling her hair behind her ear. “Sure.”
We pull up to her apartment and sit in silence for a moment, and it feels like that moment in the office is lingering in the air, thick with tension.
“Do you want to come up?” she asks softly as she stares out the window. “I’m going to edit the video for the app.”
Something is pulling me up to her apartment. A force that promises more than just sex. I see the way she looks at me. How she wants tofixme. Comfort me. Offer me more than my family could.
Fuck. It’s really messing with my head. And messing with my head is not part of the plan.
“No. I’ll go home, but be ready for me to pick you up at five for dinner.”
She’s opening the door before I even finish my sentence. Hovering over the open door, she leans in with a sympathetic expression as she nods. “Okay, Adam. See you then.”
Then she closes it and walks away.
* * *
My afternoon was spent tossing and turning on my couch, sleep evading me until I let my mind wander to the tattoos on her skin, tracing each one in my head like my own form of meditation. That’s what finally helped me nod off, and I slept so soundly that I barely woke in time to pick her up for dinner.
As I pull up to her apartment, I take out my phone and text Caleb. I’ve been an asshole brother for not talking to him more lately, but I can’t possibly bring him into this.