Page 106 of The Anti-hero
“You’re so obsessed with me,” she teases, and I smile, leaning toward her.
“Maybe I am,” I reply, stealing a bite of her cheeseburger. Then I press my lips to her cheek.
A few months ago, I thought this was impossible. I couldn’t see myself with a girl like Sage. Hell, two weeks ago, I was sure that whatever this is would be temporary. A fling.
And now…I’m stuck. Blissfully stuck.
She’s like glue and with every touch, I’m more and more unable to pull myself away. And honestly, at this point, I’ve just stopped trying. Everything about the church and the sex club feels so arbitrary. Like she said, those things can coexist, and so can we.
I think I might be falling in love. If this is what love feels like. Infatuation. Obsession. I always assumed that love would feel more painful, and I’m not sure why. But nothing hurts when I’m with her.
“So…” she says as she balls up the empty foil wrapper.
“So?” I ask.
“How are you feeling? After that whole thing?”
My eyes narrow in confusion. “How amIfeeling? Shouldn’t the question be, how are you feeling?”
“You’ve already asked me that a hundred times while we were still at the club, and I told you—I’m fine.” She knocks her fist against my shoulder playfully. “Good job, Church Boy. You’ve mastered aftercare.”
With a chuckle, I reply, “Thanks, Peaches. But why are you asking me how I feel?”
“Because that matters too. What we did was intense and new for you. I know you struggled with it, so I just want to see how you’re feeling afterward.”
I settle myself between her knees. Then I take a long, deep breath before replying. How am I feeling? I’ve been considering this question ever since we finished up at the club.
Dragging my hand up her spine, I wind my fingers in her hair at the scalp and I tug on it, loving the way she moves with my commanding grip. Looking down my nose at her helpless body in my hands, I groan. “Feeling so good, I want to do it again.”
“Oh yeah?” she replies with a wicked smile before biting her lip.
My hand relaxes as it eases down to the back of her neck, touching her with tenderness this time. “I can be myself around you. You make it safe for me to let go.”
Her smile reaches her eyes as she nods. “I feel the same.”
“My upbringing would have me believe this is the devil’s hold on me, but I don’t think that’s it.”
She lets out a quiet laugh. Then she wrinkles her nose. “Yeah, I don’t think so either.”
After we laugh for a second, I brush a lock of pink hair out of her face and delicately run my fingers along the constellation on the side of her neck.
“I think you and I needed to play these roles, especially for each other. And I don’t think I could ever do that with anyone else.”
“Neither could I,” she whispers, and I feel my blood pressure start to rise as it moves through my veins. My heart is pounding with hope—hope that I’m not alone in these feelings.
I pull her a little closer. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I think we might be perfect for each other.”
Immediately, she smiles, easing the worry in my chest. Then she leans her head closer so our lips are mere inches apart. “I get that feeling too.”
“I don’t just mean for sex,” I reply in a low whisper.
“Neither do I,” she says just before our lips touch. Suddenly, Sage and I exist only in the intimate space of our kiss, and it feels ethereal. My hands wrap around her, gently pulling her closer until we’re practically one.
This has to be love. There’s no other name for it, but it sure as fuck doesn’t hurt. It feels like the greatest thing I’ve ever felt.
It’s too soon to say it. I’d be an idiot to say it so fast, but it’s enough to know I feel it.
When our tender kiss ends, I stare into her eyes as I remember something.