Page 75 of Highest Bidder
Perhaps if I do this, if I scratch this itch for Daisy, my doubts and fears will be silenced. I know exactly who I can ask for help, but I don’t know if that’s something Daisy will be open to.
“What’s wrong?” she whispers, gently peeling her eyes open and gazing up at me.
“Nothing, baby girl,” I reply in a whisper.
“You’re restless.”
“I’m just thinking. Go back to sleep.”
“Thinking about what?” she murmurs, ignoring my command.
I decide to forgo discretion and answer her questions. “About who I trust with you.”
Her eyes pop open as she lifts herself onto her elbow to stare at me. “You mean Eden, don’t you?”
My expression grows solemn as I nod. “Daisy, can you tell me why you like the idea of pain? Is it curiosity or something else?”
Her brow furrows. “Should I not—”
“No, baby girl. Never mind. You shouldn’t feel bad for what you want to try. I’m sorry for asking that.”
Her features relax as she rests her head against my chest. “I trust you, Ronan. And as long as you’re there to protect me, I’ll trust anyone else you want to join us.”
“I’ll always protect you, Daisy.” With that, I kiss her forehead and squeeze her body closer.
It only takes a few minutes before I hear her breathing slow to a sleeping cadence. She really does trust me. So why can’t I trust her? What is wrong with me?
I’m letting my jaded heart ruin something perfect. So I shove the worries away and close my eyes. This time, my fear and anxiety are gone, so within minutes, I drift off to sleep.
Swirling the bourbon in my glass, I watch the voyeur hall with a keen eye. I need to speak to Eden, but she’s a little tied up in room five at the moment. So I bide my time, having a drink at the bar, keeping up casual conversation with Geo and Emerson while I wait.
When I hear Daisy’s name, my interest piques and I lift my eyes to where Geo is smiling, while drying a glass with a bar towel.
“Oh really?” Emerson asks with curious interest. I wasn’t paying attention, so I have no clue what they said, but I’m willing to bet Geo is telling the club owner everything about me and Daisy.
“I guess Garrett didn’t tell you Ronan took our drink server to Paris for a week,” Geo says.
Emerson grins wickedly as he takes a sip of his drink. I send Geo a scowl. “You’re the only one spreading gossip,” I mutter.
“It’s hardly a secret,” Geo replies. “You’ve both been wearing heart eyes since you got back.”
I can’t exactly argue with that. Instead, I shrug and toss back the rest of my drink. Emerson claps a hand on my back with a laugh. He looks pleased with himself, as if he’s somehow responsible for this.
“I’m happy for you,” he says astutely, and I nod in return.
It’s easy for him to seem so casual about it. He’s happily married and settled down. Every ounce of my happiness still feels so fragile, as if it could all dissolve into nothing at the drop of a hat.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see Eden emerge from the voyeur hallway, looking a little more worn out and red-faced than she normally does, so I seize my opportunity.
I say good night to Emerson and Geo, slapping a bill on the bar before hopping up from the barstool and meeting my friend halfway across the room.
“Uh-oh,” she says when she sees me coming. “What’s that face for?”