Page 32 of Highest Bidder
“Um…not uninterested, I guess. Just…”
“I get that. Well, if you ever get interested, Eden is a great person to talk to.”
Why on earth was I momentarily hoping he’d offer up himself as a guide? But on the mention of Madame Kink, I remember my next question.
“Do you mind if I ask…”
“If we’ve slept together?” he finishes my question, which must mean he gets it a lot.
I nod.
With a little chuckle, he replies, “No, Eden and I are just friends.” I breathe a sigh of relief until he adds, “We do play together from time to time.”
My feet stop their fidgeting and my eyes are like saucers. “What?”
His laugh is gentle and quiet. “I forget that not everyone is so comfortable with this stuff. It means Eden and I sometimes share a sub or rent a room together.”
“Oh, I know what it means,” I reply. “I just pictured it playing out in my head and everything.”
His laughter grows louder. “Go to sleep, Daisy. I think that’s enough talk for tonight.”
“Oh, come on…” I reply with a whine. When he reaches out to touch me again, it feels less like comfort and more like connection. His large hand brushes my unruly hair out of my face then strokes my head for a few minutes, our eyes on each other in charged contact.
“You are so innocent and naive, Daisy. And I think I’d like to keep it that way.”
I let those words play over and over in my mind as we both fall off to sleep. I’m not sure if I love the idea of him cherishing me or if I’m terribly disappointed that Ronan Kade has no interest in corrupting me.
“Of course, it’s a private jet,” I say with a sarcastic smile.
He grins proudly as we walk across the tarmac, his eyes hidden behind dark aviators.
“Would you rather fly commercial?”
“No, thank you,” I reply as we reach the plane. There’s a flight attendant standing at the top of the stairs waiting for us, and Ronan gestures for me to go first, while he stops to have a word with the pilot, standing on the ground.
“Welcome,” the woman greets me cheerfully.
My lips pull into a tense smile as I step onto the plane. I immediately feel a wave of shame with how stunning this plane is, as if I don’t deserve this. I shouldn’t be taking a single thing from Ronan, but here he is treating me like a queen.
When we both woke up past noon today, we were tangled in each other’s arms, and I could immediately feel how tense Ronan was. I was using his arm as a pillow, my body molded to his, and my butt firmly planted against his groin. My eyes popped open in mortification as I realized our position, quickly climbing out of his bed and hiding my face in embarrassment for the rest of the day.
Getting involved with Ronan really is out of the question. I’m here for answers, not to hook up with the same man my mom might have. He just wants to spoil me a bit, and I’m going to let him. That’s it.
The flight attendant takes my bag from my shoulder. “Thank you,” I say.
“Please make yourself comfortable and let me know if you need anything.”
“Thanks,” I repeat. There are two rows of seats, and a few in the back that face each other with a small table in between. Just as I sit down in one of the seats, Ronan climbs on board and immediately makes eye contact with me.
“Are you all right?” he asks.