Page 107 of Highest Bidder
“We won’t know anything until those tests come back. It shouldn’t be too long.”
“Thank you,” I mutter, forcing myself to swallow.
When the doctor leaves us alone, I pull Daisy into my arms. Why did I have to be such an ass and let her be alone for two months? How stupid would I have been to let her go for longer? I hate myself for wasting that much time as it is.
“I’m sure it’s nothing,” she whispers against my neck. It sounds as if she’s comfortingme. “Maybe low iron or low blood sugar or something like that.”
“Yeah,” I mumble with my lips in her hair. “Tell Geo you’re moving out,” I say.
She lets out a laugh and pulls away. “Are you asking me to move in with you?”
“Well, you just spent all the money you had saved up.”
Her laugh is louder this time. “It was worth every penny.”
When the doctor returns a few moments later, I quickly pull away from Daisy, but remain positioned next to where she sits on the paper-covered examination table. He’s looking down at the chart in his hands, and I wait on bated breath for whatever those results are about to tell us. In my mind, I just keep praying it’s going to be something like she said—blood sugar, iron, anything that could be easily remedied so my girl can be healthy again.
“Well,” he says, drawing out the tension. Then his eyes scan upward, landing onmyface, and I furrow my brow at him. It’s as if he’s trying to discern if I should be here, if I’m her family, worthy of standing next to her to hear whatever he’s about to deliver.
“What is it?” Daisy asks. When she pulls our clasped hands into her lap, he glances at her.
“Your pregnancy test was positive.”
The blood drains from my face as his words penetrate my ears, and at first, they don’t make any sense. He’s confused. He has the wrong results or something. We didn’t ask for a pregnancy test. Then, I turn toward Daisy and she’s staring at me with her mouth hanging open, tears brimming in her wide eyes, and it all feels…right.
“Judging by the HCG in your urine test, I’d say you’re well over eight weeks along.”
“I thought…” The words die on my lips. It seems so trivial now, whether or not Daisy was on birth control or whether or not she took it.
At the exact moment that a smile starts to stretch across my face, Daisy slaps her hands over her face and starts sobbing. Ignoring the doctor behind me, I gather her up in my arms and hold her tight against me.
“I’m sorry, Ronan,” she cries.
“Why are you sorry, baby girl?”
“I forgot to take it for a few days. We were in Paris, and I j—t…I’m so stupid—”
Taking her face in my hands, I pull her away from my chest and let her see the solemn look on my face. “You are not stupid, Daisy.”
“Are you mad at me?” she asks through her tears.
The ridiculous grin returns to my face. “Mad? Are you kidding me? I can’t remember the last time I was this fucking happy.”
“But…what are we going to do?” Her voice is tight and trembles with fear. I hate to see her so terrified.
I force my smile away as I stare into her eyes. I suddenly realize that Daisy is so young and this might not be what she had planned for her future—no matter how I feel about it. “Baby girl, we’re going to do whatever you want to do, and no matter what, I’ll be here. Okay?”
Teary-eyed, she nods. When she finally smiles in return, it’s a beautiful wide look of joy and excitement and I can’t help but kiss her right then and there.
Thoughts are running rampant in my head until our lips touch, and then everything goes silent. No worries or fears. It’s just us, and a long, beautiful future together full of the unknown.
Who knows what the fuck is going to happen from here, but in this moment, everything is perfect.