Page 90 of Protect Me
I shiver at the light touch.
“And touch you,” Killian adds.
My skin prickles at the idea that they’ll be close enough to do just that. And damn if I don’t want them to. Badly.
“All right,” I say, taking a step toward the silks.
“Without the makeup,” Duncan adds.
I nod as he gestures to the bathroom.
“We’ll wait,” he adds.
I spin and hurry to the bathroom, washing my face and patting it dry. When I’m done, my cheeks are flushed, and I’m not sure if it’s from scrubbing off the glitter or the fact that my blood is pumping with adrenaline and we haven’t even started yet.
I stare at my reflection. It’s crazy to think that I am the same person who crawled to their doorstep, seeking asylum. A woman who’d had no home, no love, no loyalty from anyone.
And now, I’m about to be completely and utterly ravished by three gorgeous men who claim to like me for more than what I have to offer them physically or magically.
It’s a strange turn of events that has led me here.
But I wouldn’t change it for the world.
With a deep breath, I turn away from the mirror and step back out into the living room. The lights have been dimmed, casting a soft glow over the room. Candles burn low along the counters and mantle, and one of the guys has begun playing a slow, seductive melody from speakers mounted just below their TV.
My gaze finds Bracken’s first, and his lips curve at the sight of me. He’s sitting now. They all are. In the time I was gone, they’ve rearranged the furniture into a loose circle around the silks, so they each have a chair and a clear vantage point—of me. And every one of them has stripped down to nothing but his boxers.
My mouth dries at the sight of them sitting there, looking like they were carved from fucking marble, for my pleasure only.
Shirtless, they all turn to watch me, but none of them get up.
Heart pounding, I walk to the silks and slide into the sling, the familiar feel of the fabric against my skin giving me courage. Then Killian hits a button, and the volume cranks up. I meet his eyes, nodding to thank him because it’s exactly what I needed to drown out the nerves and give myself over to the movement of my own body.
So, I do.
Slowly, I begin to wrap myself up, using the silks themselves to climb a bit higher off the ground where I’ll have room to move. A moment later, I’m secured and hanging with my legs out in full splits. I use that moment to pause and look up at my audience. My gaze collides with Killian’s, and I suck in a sharp breath at the way he’s watching me. His eyes are hooded, and the way he’s slouched in the chair gives me a clear view of his erection bulging through his boxers.
When he catches me noticing it, he slowly reaches into his shorts and pulls his cock free, gripping it in his hand. Liquid heat pools at my core as he lazily strokes himself. Needing to relieve the pressure building inside me, I move again, twisting to the right until I can see Duncan. He’s leaning back in his chair just like Killian, his hard length already gripped in his own large palm. His sharp eyes never leave mine despite the movement of my body and the performance I’m supposed to be giving him.
Electricity sparks between us, and my thighs ache with how badly I want one of them inside me. Or all of them. Fuck, I have no idea what is going to happen or where this is going. But I’m burning up at the mere thought of it already, and they haven’t even touched me yet.
They might have put me on display, but I’m the one being teased here. If this is payback for my outfit earlier? Then sign me the fuck up for it every single night.
“Don’t stop, love,” Killian encourages.
I blink, forcing myself back into the performance they’ve asked for. My concentration is split, though, as I twist and turn for more glimpses of them stroking themselves as they watch me.
When I pause again, I’m facing Bracken.
He watches me intently, his erection obvious, but he doesn’t touch himself. Instead, he gets up and walks over to me. He stops before me, his ridged ab muscles at my eye level. I’m in a V position now with my legs slightly parted, and Bracken comes to stand between my legs, watching me intently.
“You’re beautiful, you know that?” he says.
Before I can answer, I hear the other two get up and come to stand behind me.
“She’s fucking breathtaking,” Killian agrees.
I don’t answer, too caught up in their closeness. In what happens next. If they touch me now, like this, together, I might just explode.