Page 67 of Protect Me
“How many you got?”Duncan demands through our bond.
“Just this one,”I tell him.
“Same. Don’t let your guard down,”he orders.
“Didn’t plan on it.”
I shift back to my human form and stroll over to where the hunter is still pinned by Duncan’s front paws. “Who are you?” I ask.
The man cries out in pain.
“Why are you here?”
“I’m looking for some runaway whore,” the man says. He’s shaking now, and the scent of urine hits me.
He would’ve done this and worse to Sway.
“Well, you found us instead, asshole. Aren’t you lucky?”
* * *
Two hours later,Duncan and I have cleaned up our mess, and I make my way wearily back upstairs. Through the bond, Bracken stirs, immediately demanding answers as he realizes something has happened while he slept.
Instead of going back to my apartment, I change directions and knock on Sway’s door.
“Come in,” Bracken calls immediately.
I walk in and am greeted by the sight of Sway still in bed, wrapped in nothing but her own bedsheet. Her hair is mussed, and the relaxation that exudes from her is a huge change from the stress she’s been carrying around since she arrived. Despite the events of the last two hours, all I can do is stare at her, completely mesmerized by her beauty, inside and out.
“Well?” Bracken demands. “What the hell happened?”
I blink, refocusing on him but saying nothing.
“She already knows something went down,” Bracken adds as if that’s the reason for my silence. “And we promised to stop keeping secrets, remember? Besides, she said if we don’t start telling her shit, she’s going to bite my dick off.”
I look back at Sway, who blinks at me innocently. Little devil…
“A hunter breached the north line a couple of hours ago,” I say.
Sway’s worried expression fills immediately with tension.
“He was alone, and we took him down quickly,” I add, hating that look of fear in her eyes. “He’s no longer a threat.”
“Dammit,” Bracken says. “Why didn’t you wake me up? I should have been there to help you.”
“Duncan and I both agree that, until this threat is dealt with, it’s best if one of us is with her at all times,” I say, my gaze fastened on Sway as I wait to see how she’ll take this latest development. “No more posting up in the hallway, either. We need eyes on her.”
I’m fully prepared for her to protest, but instead, she looks resigned. And maybe even a little intrigued by the idea.
“Good call,” Bracken agrees. “Where’s Duncan?”
“Briefing D. He said for you to find him as soon as you’re up.”
“I’m going.” Bracken sits on the edge of the bed and plants a kiss on Sway’s full mouth. I watch as she kisses him back, fully fucking turned on by it. When Bracken pulls away, Sway’s gaze darts uncertainly to me.
My dick springs to immediate attention the moment our eyes meet.