Page 5 of Protect Me
“D,” Liv warns, and I get the sense he’s playing with her somehow and she knows it. Either way, watching her refuse to back down to a creature like him is impressive as hell.
“Fine,” he says, turning back to me. “Answer me this. What are you doing here?”
“I told you; I’m offering my services.”
“And whoever did this to you? Will they come looking for yourservicesas well?”
I flinch but otherwise don’t dignify that with an answer.
Liv gives him another exasperated look.
He clears his throat. “You have three days to recover. You’ll have one audition, two minutes. If you prove unskilled, you’ll be asked to leave, no arguments. Do you understand?”
I keep my breath even, mostly to hide my excitement but also to keep from hurting my bruised ribs more. “I understand.”
“If you can perform as you say you can, I will give you three months. That’s all I can offer you. Nightly performances, five days a week—once you’re fully healed, of course.”
“Thank you.” Hope soars, inflating my chest and straightening my shoulders.
He nods. “At the end of the three months, you’re no longer my concern. We have no room for two aerial acts at this time, and I don’t do charity.” He glances at Liv, and she gives him an approving smile.
“I’ll take it.” The weight on my chest that’s been threatening to crush me eases slightly. I inhale, still wheezing but lighter.
Duncan speaks up from behind me. “She needs a healer, boss.”
The Ringmaster frowns but nods. “Put her in a room. I’ll send Adaya over to take a look at her.” He turns back to the fire, making it clear this meeting is over.
But Duncan doesn’t move. “Sir, there were people in the woods outside the grounds.” The Ringmaster turns back. “I think they might have been looking for her.”
My breath catches. Shit. Had I really believed they’d keep that to themselves?
“Check it out,” the Ringmaster says. “Settle her first, though.”
“What about the wards?” Duncan asks.
“Take her to Uma on your way,” the Ringmaster says as he looks me up and down. “Shouldn’t be too hard to get blood from her right now.”
“You got it, boss,” one of the other guards says.
“Blood?” I ask, fear burning a hole inside of me. But they don’t answer me, and I don’t press. Whatever they need the blood for seems small in comparison to what’s waiting for me if they throw me out.
Duncan comes around and scoops me back into his arms. I don’t bother protesting about being carried. Now that I’ve secured my safety, I can afford to admit how badly I’m broken.
Besides, the Ringmaster only gave me three months. And I have a feeling all my complaining will do is make me look weak in the eyes of such a powerful man. The last thing I need is for him to throw me out before I can prove myself. I didn’t come this far only to let my asshole fiancé win. I have three months to heal and figure out my next move.
Three months to figure out how to escape my fate. I will not be used to burn down the world. He’ll have to kill me first.
The woman in my arms bears the marks of a victim, yet the fire in her soul suggests someone who is anything but. Her face is battered; nearly every inch of her body is marred in some way, whether it be her black eyes, the scratches on her cheeks, or the split in her pouty lips.
Whoever did this to her deserves to die.
Based on the hardened expressions my brothers wear, I know they’re thinking the same thing. Ahead of me, Bracken doesn’t say a word as we make our way to the staff quarters. The fact that D even gave her a chance is a precedent I wasn’t prepared for. He’s never granted asylum without an audition—or at least proof that the newcomer can deliver.
Liv’s influence has softened him. Not a bad thing. The fucker could do with some softening.