Page 103 of Protect Me
I look over at him. “You told me you like to share women. None of them lasted either, so I assumed...”
Duncan’s expression is dark and stormy as he says, “We’ve never asked someone into our lives, Sway. Only into our beds.”
“I see.” I frown, still trying to process.
“We share you, Sway, because your happiness means more to us than anything,” Duncan adds. “You are our entire world. We believe that, where one of us fails to be what you need, you’ll have two others who can step up.”
“None of you have failed me,” I tell him, my chest squeezing at the complete devotion shining back at me from their intense expressions.
“Then how could you doubt us?” Bracken asks. “After everything.”
“I don’t doubt you,” I tell him. “I doubt myself.”
Even as I say the words, my power whispers its way into my head.
“What does your magic say?” Bracken asks.
“Excuse me?”
“Use your magic on us,” he says. “Read what’s really inside us.”
“No,” I say quickly. “I can’t. That would be—”
Without meaning to, the magic unfurls, and I read their feelings for the first time ever. Immediately, the depth of their devotion and commitment slams into me so hard that I gasp. Duncan’s iron determination to protect me, Bracken’s yearning to show me I’m loved, and Killian’s aching need to prove to me I deserve it all. The magic shows me all of it until I can’t deny the depth of their feelings for me is exactly the same as what I feel for them.
Shoving it out again, I struggle to get my bearings.
“Sway?” Killian’s hand tightens on mine. He scoots closer.
The other two jump up and crowd around me, all of them wearing expressions of concern.
“What’s wrong?” Killian asks.
“It’s my magic,” I explain. “Ever since that night with Liv and the baby, it’s been at the surface, leaking out. It’s like I woke it, and it’s refusing to be sidelined.”
“Is it hurting you?” Duncan demands.
“It scares me,” I whisper. “I don’t want to slip up. You saw what I’m capable of.”
Bracken takes my chin in his hands, drawing my gaze to his. “All we saw was an incredibly caring and kind woman willing to do whatever it took to save her friend. There’s nothing to be ashamed of about that.”
“And Zaxby? What about him?”
“He was trying to attack you,” Duncan snarls. “You saved yourself.”
I know what they’re trying to do. Why they’re attempting to make me feel better. But it’s not so damned simple. It’sneverbeen simple. “You don’t know what it’s like,” I tell him. “What people are willing to do once they find out how you can be of use to them. At least before, I could put it away, lock it inside me. Now... it won’t let me do that anymore. It’s not safe.”
“Magic was meant to be used,” Killian says gently. “Think about it, Sway. If we didn’t shift into our lions regularly, the beast would eat us alive from the inside out. It would demand to be unleashed. Your magic’s the same. It just wants to be a part of you.”
“Well, I hate it,” I snap, and he frowns. I sigh. “I think being here with you and using it to help Liv is making it stronger somehow.” I look up at them, hating that I’m saying it. “As much as I want to say yes, I don’t know if staying is the safest option anymore.”
Idon’t know if staying is the safest option anymore.Sway’s declaration runs through my mind on repeat today, just as it did all fucking night. I stand on the patio overlooking the carnival that has long since shut down. Its bright lights, now switched off again, give way for much more muted illumination, just enough that we can see if anyone is lurking after hours.
Not that I’m paying much attention to that.