Page 101 of Protect Me
The idea is so unexpected and wild that I shake it off.
Bracken cares for me, he’s made that much clear, but babies?
Besides, he said creation between mates, and I can’t possibly be that for him.
“You okay?” he asks, and I realize I’ve been silent too long.
“Yeah,” I say, forcing a smile.
“Good, because me and the guys have a surprise for you.”
“You and your surprises,” I say, but I let him sling an arm around my shoulders and lead me down the hall. As we walk, I glance over at his dress slacks and white, button-down shirt. The top two buttons are open, which is the least scandalous thing ever but, for some reason, turns me on harder than it should.
“Does this surprise have something to do with why you’re dressed up?” I ask, hoping like hell it also involves undressing.
He gives me a secretive smile. “Can’t I just look good for my girl?”
“Of course. But do I need to remind you I don’t like surprises?”
“You didn’t like them before you met us,” he corrects. I shake my head, getting ready to argue as he adds, “Name one surprise we’ve given you that you haven’t liked.”
Since there hasn’t been one, I don’t answer, and he grins, swooping in to plant a kiss on my nose.
“I rest my case. Now, come on. They’re waiting for us, and you know how Duncan is about schedules.”
Bracken leads me to the stairwell, but instead of taking me back to their apartment—which is pretty muchourapartment at this point—he leads me to the top floor and through a door marked “Roof Access.”
“Let me get that.” Bracken holds the door open for me, and I step out into the open air.
I stop as Bracken closes the door behind us and just take in the sight before me. Dressed in slacks and button-down shirts just like Bracken, Duncan and Killian both stand on the far side of the roof with hands folded in front of them.
Between them on the ground is a blanket laid out with platters of food and glasses of wine. At the edge of the spread, cushions are set out in a circle, one for each of us. Beyond that, white candles burn, flickering against the dying daylight. The sunset has already streaked purples and pinks across the sky, and the effect of it combined with the setup they’ve lain out is breathtaking.
“What is all this?” I ask.
“A celebration,” Bracken says, tugging me forward.
“What are we celebrating?” I ask.
Killian reaches for me, pulling me against him. I inhale the scent of his cologne, my mouth watering at the way his shirtsleeves are rolled up to reveal the ink on his arms. “It’s our anniversary, baby. Two months.”
He bends to kiss me, his tongue sweeping over my lip before he pulls away. Heat builds inside me, but he only steps back to let Duncan take his place. Instead of continuing the fun, he presses a quick kiss to my cheek and holds out a glass of wine.
“Two months,” he echoes, “of the happiest days of our lives.”
I take the wine glass, and they all reach over and grab one for themselves then hold them up in a group toast.
“To Sway,” Bracken says, “the best surprise ever.”
“I’ll drink to that,” Killian says.
“I can’t toast to myself,” I protest.
“Why not? You’re fucking amazing,” Killian says. “Okay, fine, we could toast to your pussy if that makes you feel better.”
Bracken punches him, nearly spilling the wine he holds.
I hide a smile.