Page 131 of Plays Well With Others
Jocundity is the word of the day. It means merriment, jocularity, extreme happiness.
I shake my head at the calendar as I crumple up the page and toss it in the recycling bin the next morning. During my run across the bridge, I try to use the word in a sentence, but it’s just too douchey. Who could possibly say that and mean it?
I shift mental gears as I power up the thigh-burning hills of San Francisco, reviewing the day ahead and everything on my to-do list.
Like my first real date with Rachel.
All day, I am aware of time. As I shower after my run. As I pick up Beck. As we review the game film from Vegas. As we work out and go over the playbook for the home game this coming Sunday.
Rachel will be in the stands. I can’t wait to kiss my girl on the sidelines after we win.
But first, there’s tonight.
And later that evening, I check the ticking clock as I get ready to see her at the restaurant in an hour.
I leave my place with a brand-new kind of excitement in my step. It’s not jocundity though. Nor is it the thrill of a date, though I’m definitely thrilled. And it’s not the excitement over sex tonight, but fuck yes, I want to make her come so many times.
This feeling powering me is all new. Maybe I’ll figure out a better word for it by the end of the date.
Once I shut the door behind me, I turn around to find Monroe standing on his deck, holding a tumbler of scotch. He eyes me up and down then sighs in resignation. “From the looks of it, the coffee shop is closed tomorrow.”
I knock fists with him. “Yes, bro.”
He lifts his glass. “I’ll drink to you then.”
I say goodbye then head to anitplace that Maddox helped me pick. He wasn’t stoked that I canceled on Seductive, but he’s a good agent who goes to bat for me, so he handled it and set up another charity golf game with Naveen and Amar. I’ve promised him I won’t cancel that one. I’ve already set the reminder. Well, five reminders.
I drive down to the Marina to a Mediterranean restaurant that’s getting all the raves. Rachel had a quick appointment with a supplier after her flight, so she’s meeting me here any second now.
After I park, I grab a gift bag I brought along, and I fly inside, excitement pushing me on. When I pull open the door, she’s already at the bar. My heart stutters and I give a low whistle of appreciation as I reach her. “Hey, Sunshine.”
“Hi…friend.” She sounds nervous.
Like me.
But excited.
Also like me.
She wears a dark red dress that hugs her curves and shows off some skin. It’s the right kind of short and the perfect kind of tight. She’s wearing a couple necklaces. One with stars. One with hearts. She looks bright, upbeat, happy.
She rises to give me a peck on the cheek. I turn my face and capture her lips. She sighs happily against me.
As the hostess guides us to our table, I set a hand on Rachel’s back so everyone knows she’s mine.
Once we’re alone, I say, “I missed you.”
It feels good to say that. It’s such a relief and a joy to talk to her like this at last.
“I’ve missed you too,” she says, dipping her face, a little shy. It’s too cute. Too sexy.
After we check out the menu and order, I ask about her day, and she tells me about her flight and the meetings she had about marketing Fable’s eggplant necklaces. I smile, knowing those came from our un-date at the farmers’ market.
“Oh, that reminds me,” I say with a groan.