Page 63 of Mafia Lullaby - A Dark Captive Romance
“I’m going to see Frank.”
“He’ll kill you.” She started to sit up, but he stepped forward with that pointed finger of his, and she sank back onto the pillows.
“He won’t kill me,” he promised.
“You don’t know that,” she accused him, and pulled the washcloth off her head, tossing it to the side table. “He’s going to kill you, and I’m going to die alone in this bed because your brother will be out there and not know I’m dying.”
Costello blinked a few times. His thick, kissable lips spread into a wide grin. “Okay, maybe all the Lullaby isn’t out of your system.”
“Can’t we just leave well enough alone?”
He picked up a gun from the kitchen table and worked it into the holster. “We can’t, baby girl. I’m going to take care of this, but you have to be good and just stay in bed. Sleep. It’s the best way to get through this. I’m going to put a little more sedative in a glass of water, and if you have trouble sleeping, I want you to drink it. And when you wake up, I’ll be back, and everything will be fine.”
“And if it’s not?” she asked in a whisper.
“If everything goes sideways, you are to listen to Kevin. If he comes in and says you have to go, you follow him.”
“And how do I know if it’s really him? Maybe someone comes by, kills him and then comes inside pretending to be him,” she offered, feeling a little more like herself as the moments passed. Her mind was starting to clear. If only the headache would subside.
“That won’t happen. You’ll know.”
“How could I possibly know?”
Costello’s shoulders dropped. “Fine.” He marched to the door and yanked it open. “Kevin, get in here.”
In stepped a man, equal in size and appearance of Costello.
“You’re a twin?” she asked, sitting up in the bed.
“Hey.” Kevin waved. “So, you want me to stay out there or in here?” His gaze flickered over the room, settling on the bucket beside her bed. “If she’s still puking, I don’t think her being alone in here is a great idea.”
Costello glared at him. “You’re probably right. Fine, but don’t let her talk you into anything. Keep her in that bed.” He grabbed a set of keys from a hook next to the door. “And by that, I mean tell her to stay in bed. Don’t you put one fucking finger on her.” Costello growled like a lion warning others to stay away from his kill.
“Wouldn’t think of it,” Kevin said to Costello, then turned to her with a wink. She stifled a laugh when Costello’s heated glare landed on her.
“Sleep.” He pointed to her. “And you, sit your ass in the chair by the fucking window.”
Kevin rolled his shoulders. “Just go get it over with. And call me as soon as it’s done.”
Costello made it to the bed in five large strides and pressed a hard kiss to her head. “Be good. No matter what happens, I’m still your daddy.”
She found his gaze and let the warmth of it wrap around her. “I know,” she said. But inside she wasn’t quite sure.
She was free of the House. Shouldn’t she be running into town, finding the police, getting back to her old life?
Costello kissed her once more then left the cabin. The door shut behind him and Kevin flipped the lock, bolting them inside.
“Isn’t going to see Frank alone dangerous?” she asked when she had her head settled back on the pillows and her head stopped swirling.
“Right now, it’s more dangerous for him and you if he doesn’t see Frank. He’ll make this right. Don’t worry about him.”
She sighed. Of course, she was going to worry about him. She’d have this heavy twisted knot in her stomach until he walked back through that door. Until her daddy came home, safe and sound, she would do nothing but think about him.
Costello knew what he was doing, she had no doubts there. He was smart, and he’d been dealing with these people nearly his entire life. If anyone could get them out of this mess it was her daddy.
Pulling up to the gates of Frank’s estate should have sent a flutter of nerves throughout Costello’s insides. But as he sat, waiting for the iron gates to swing open for him, his resolve became firm and steady. Even if Frank didn’t see reason, and he still insisted on taking Costello’s life, Ariana would remain safe.
Kevin would never let the Romeros take her. He held as much resentment and hostility toward the Romero family as the night they found their parents murdered in their house. He didn’t agree with Costello’s decision to enter into the family, but he didn’t hold it against him. Even over the years when Costello had to disappear for a short time here and there, Kevin never shut his door on his brother.