Page 54 of Mafia Lullaby - A Dark Captive Romance
“No, I argued with Courtney over the blanket hoping that they’d call you to sort me out. But they didn’t, at least not right away. And then Mae got involved trying to defend Courtney, which pissed off Shelby because Shelby doesn’t like how Mae always sticks up for Courtney even though Courtney is such a kiss ass.”
It all sounded perfectly juvenile, which it had been because the girls were too doped to know they were women in their twenties and not six-year-olds starting a turf war over a fucking blanket. But she left her opinion about all of that out of her explanation.
A long moment passed and then a heavy sigh. “I think I got the gist of that.” Another jangle of his belt buckle. “I told you, and I was very specific about this, to keep yourself out of trouble. No added spotlight. Isn’t that what I told you?”
“Well, yeah, but this was important.” She wiggled her fingers at her side.
“It could have waited until the morning, whatever it is.” His impatience shone through.
“You don’t think I could possibly help with the situation we’re in?” she asked, still not turning around to face him.
“Of course it’s not that,” he said quickly. “You can tell me whatever you need to tell me after you’ve had your punishment.” He sighed. “Go on and bend over the bed.”
“What?” She spun around so quickly it took a second for the rest of her to catch up to her whirling brain. “You’re going to use that thing on me?” She jerked a pointed finger at the belt hanging loosely at his side.
She hadn’t noticed before, but in that moment of waiting for his answer, she saw him. He was a good-looking man, but tonight wearing a pair of tight-fitting blue jeans and a black polo shirt that hugged all of his muscles, he seemed even more handsome.
“Of course, I am.” His brow wrinkled. “After what you pulled? You’re lucky all I’m going to do is light up your ass.”
“But I had a reason,” she whined. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath. She’d been in this place too long. She was actually starting to sound like the other girls.
“I know you did, but I was very specific about what to do. I didn’t leave any room for misinterpretation.”
“I needed to talk to you.” She stomped her foot. Maybe the damn Lullaby was actually starting to work on her. No, no, she still had all her previous memories. It was just his stubbornness that made her act this way. If he would just see things her way, they’d get past this and on to serious business.
“Ariana.” He paused a beat. “Get your ass over that bed before I put you there. And if I do it, you can bet you’ll be getting more than a belting.”
She clamped her mouth closed. It wasn’t worth risking whatever else he was willing to dish out. She’d take his stupid belt and then she’d tell him off. He’d feel really bad once he realized how wrong he’d been. Then he’d see. Then he’d apologize. And maybe she wouldn’t accept his apology.
Stomping over to the bed, she flung herself over the side.
“Ass higher,” he commanded from behind her.
She ground her teeth together, but lifted her ass to where he wanted it, giving him the perfect target for his stupid belt.
“When I tell you to behave, to stay the hell under the radar, that does not mean start a fight over a damn blanket because you want to see me.” His harsh tone preceded the fire he ignited across her ass with the leather.
“You don’t ever act out to get what you want.” The belt crashed down again, the hard edge of it cutting into her ass.
She cried out, scrambling to grab hold of a pillow to bury her face into before the next lash.
“You wait and you do what I say. There’s too much at risk for you to behave this way.”
He didn’t need to rub in the danger. She was well aware. But coupled with another hard lick and another, she gave way to the storm cloud brewing in her chest.
Over and over the belt came down on her ass, setting a new fire with each contact.
“I’m sorry!” she screamed out when she couldn’t bear another lash. “Please! I’m sorry!” She flung her hand behind her, trying to shield herself. Horrible timing. He’d been in midstroke, and the belt caught her palm.
Yanking her hand back in front of her, he resumed the belting until all she could hear was her own sobs.
Leather against flesh.
Sting building to a point of burn.
This punishment was far worse than all the others, and not just because of the belt. Costello was angry. Truly angry.
Tears of shame for acting like a drugged up Lullaby girl of her own free will cascaded down her face. He was right. There were other ways to have handled it, and he was making damn sure she never made the mistake again.