Page 25 of Mafia Lullaby - A Dark Captive Romance
He’d never faced this decision before. Turning her over to Frank would mean death, or worse, she’d be drugged out of her mind on heroine and sent to work the whorehouses. Ariana was getting too deep under his skin. There should be no hesitation in what to do. If he suspected her to be playacting, he should confront her and hand her over. No decision to be made.
And yet, he didn’t act.
“Marco was just telling me about his girl.” Gianni shook his head.
“What about her?” Costello pressed.
“It’s Nancy. She’s such a fucking cunt to these girls. I think she gets off on their situations more than the assholes in the playroom.” Marco nudged his chin in the direction of the dayroom. “She’s giving Courtney a hard time today. I’m just as happy to spank her cute ass any day of the week, but when Nancy dictates it—it pisses me off.”
“We could talk to Frank. I mean, she’s a real bitch, and it’s not helping our jobs,” Gianni added.
“You forget that Nancy is his fucking cousin?” Costello shoved Gianni’s shoulder. “I think he hates her as much we do, but she’s family. Blood family. Not like us. I wouldn’t bother taking your complaints to him about her. Unless you want heat on your own ass.”
“Good point.” Gianni nodded. “I don’t think Shelby can take much more heat right now anyway.” He glanced through the window. “If she’s not adopted at the next showing, he’s not going to give her another chance. But if he puts her in the playroom any more, she won’t be adoptable anyway.”
Costello recognized the look in Gianni’s eyes. He was falling for his little girl, in the same way Ariana was wiggling her way into Costello’s mind.
“You could buy her yourself, you know.” Costello playfully threw his fist into Gianni’s belly.
Gianni laughed. “Right. Cause I got a cool million sitting under my mattress.”
Costello’s mood darkened. That’s exactly what it would cost to purchase one of the girls, at the minimum. The Romero family paid fucking great; Costello wasn’t hurting for anything. Living at the House, he had next to zero expenses. But a million dollars in cash? He didn’t have anywhere close to that to throw away.
Nancy pulled open the dayroom door and glared at Costello. “Where’s Ariana? She’s not in here with the rest of the girls.”
“She’s taking her nap in my room.” Costello leveled her with a hard stare. He didn’t answer to her, and she needed to remember that.
“The girls are taking their baths tonight. Will she be joining us?” Nancy raised her chin. The group baths weren’t something Costello could wrap his mind around. The girls each had a bathroom attached to their rooms, but once a week they were rounded up, stripped, and bathed together. It probably helped them get ready for whatever was coming at them in their future, but while in the House, it made no sense. And it wasn’t something he could keep Ariana from having to participate in.
“She’ll be joining you,” Costello said, hardening his tone.
Nancy gave a curt nod, flicked her annoyed gaze at Marco and Gianni then retreated back into the room and shut the door.
“I just want to stick my hand down that bitch’s throat and pull out her heart,” Marco growled.
Costello laughed. “If she even has one.” He patted Marco on the shoulder. “I have to get back to Ariana. Have fun, boys.” He flashed them a carefree grin and turned back toward his rooms.
If his suspicions were right and Nancy caught on to the game Ariana was playing, things could go badly for them both. Hiding her away from the group activities would shine too bright a light on her. Costello would have to send her to the baths tonight.
When he got back to his room, Ariana was sitting cross-legged in the middle of his bed flipping through a book.
“Where’d you get that?” he asked, kicking his door closed and marching to the bed.
She jolted and panicked eyes raised to meet his.
“In…in your drawer.” She pointed to the nightstand on the other side of the bed. He snatched it from her and slammed it shut. He didn’t have much time to read, but he kept a few books in the nightstand for when he could squeeze in a few pages. She’d been reading the latest psychological thriller he’d bought.
“Little girls don’t read stuff like this,” he said, shoving it into the drawer and slamming it closed.
She folded her hands in her lap.
“You like scary books,” she said in her little voice.
“The doctor isn’t available to see you right now,” he said, switching the topic. “But he told me exactly what to do to be sure you’re a healthy girl.”
“What?” She scrambled off the bed and followed him as he walked to his own bathroom suite. She stood in the doorway, her hands wringing in front of her as he pulled out a small medical kit from beneath the sink.