Page 15 of Mafia Lullaby - A Dark Captive Romance
“Nanny Nancy wasn’t telling the truth.” She forced a pout. It wasn’t too difficult; that bitch of a woman was always lying about the girls. Twice that morning, she’d gotten two girls in trouble because she made up lies. None of them defended themselves, probably because they were used to it by now. But Ariana wasn’t used to any of this yet. And if she had any luck, she wouldn’t need to be.
There had to be a way to get Costello or someone else to take her out of the House. Once they were out, she would be able to find an easier way to escape.
But first she had to deal with her own stupidity at hoarding a fucking crayon.
“I know,” he said with a firm nod. “I’ll worry about Nancy. But you did push Shelby.”
Ariana clenched her teeth. It was the only thing keeping her from stomping her feet and screaming her head off. She hadn’t gotten in trouble for pushing someone since elementary school. This entire situation was absurd. She was going to crack soon, and it had only been a few days.
Costello dropped his hands to his belt and quickly worked it open. Ariana’s gaze froze on his motions as he tugged on the leather and pulled it free of his jeans. No longer concerned with acting her age, she scrambled to the top of the bed.
He shook his head. “You can’t hide from your punishment. Let’s go.” He snapped his fingers and pointed to the edge of the bed. “Lift up that dress, drop your panties, and bend over. Bottom nice and high.” He gave his order while tapping the folded belt against his thigh.
He couldn’t be serious.
She wouldn’t be able to handle a belt. She’d barely survived his hand.
“Can’t you just…ground me?” she asked, wrapping her arms around her knees.
“Ground you?” he asked as though the term was foreign to him. “Ariana, get in position and take your spanking. If I have to put you there, you’ll get another belting before bed tonight, and you’ll be wearing a diaper tomorrow.”
Her heart stopped. A diaper. No fucking way.
She scrambled off the bed and reached beneath her play dress, shoving her panties to her knees.
“Over.” He pointed to the bed.
She bent at the waist, placing her hands flat on the mattress.
“Raise your bottom. When you’ve earned Daddy’s belt, you present your bottom for your punishment just like this. The next time I have to pull you out of the dayroom for a spanking, you’ll come right in and do this.” He moved into position beside her, laying his warm hand against the top of her ass. “Do you understand me?”
“Yes, Daddy,” she said, finding a spot on the quilt to focus on. If she could just keep her mind trained on one of the purple lilies covering her bed, maybe she wouldn’t feel so much of the spanking.
The first lash landed, and she jumped to her toes. His hand pressed firmly against her back, keeping her in position as he brought the belt down again and again.
She lost track of the lily as she danced from foot to foot as the leather cut across her flesh igniting a new fire with each strike.
“You are not to be selfish or rude. And you never put your hands on anyone.” His voice was firm as he brought down the belt across her thighs.
“I’m sorry!” she howled. Never before had she felt such pain. No matter how she wiggled, he found his target every time. “I won’t ever do it again!” she cried.
“If I have to punish you again for the same thing, you’ll be spending the next day in the nursery where we put the babies,” he said before another lash connected.
A nursery? They had women as mentally young as babies? Her stomach turned, but she quickly lost track of that thought as he continued to spank her with his belt. He may talk to her as a child, but he was whipping her like the adult she was.
The belt hit the bed beside her left arm as he switched to his hand. The peppering of spanks continued until tears flowed easily from her eyes. They dripped from her cheeks onto the quilt below her. She stopped dancing away from him, dropping her head to the bed instead as her shoulders shook with her sobs. The fire in her ass grew and grew as the spanking stretched out.
“I’m sorry,” she whimpered. How would she ever survive this place if a simple shove to another girl made him roast her ass like this? What would he do if he found out she was searching for a way out of this place?
She sucked in a shaky breath and realized the spanking had stopped. His palm ran over her upended ass in a soft circular fashion. How long had she been sobbing into her bed while he tried to soothe her?