Page 12 of Mafia Lullaby - A Dark Captive Romance
He had scared her.
“I said a bad word?” she asked tentatively.
“Yes. You did.” He lowered his gaze down to her ass. So shapely and sweet, marred only by the two red handprints he’d left behind.
“I’m sorry, Daddy. I…I don’t know where the word came from.”
Costello didn’t respond.
“I…I’m a bad girl,” she whimpered and started to sway back and forth in the corner. His little girl took to guilt quite easily.
He dropped his hands to his sides and sighed. He needed to go slowly with her. She was just learning the ways of the House. But she couldn’t get away with such foul language. None of the little girls were allowed to curse. Not even during their big girl times. It was one of the few rules Frank imposed on the Daddies of the House in regard to the girls’ trainings. No cursing. He found it distasteful, even when they had a pussy full of cock.
But there was an even bigger issue. She shouldn’t even have had the inclination to use that word. Not if the medicine was working right.
“You’re not a bad girl,” he said, stroking her back. “You said a very bad word though, Ariana. You can’t say that word ever again. For any reason. Do you understand me?” He leaned his shoulder against the wall and watched her profile.
One tear slipped down her face and rested near her quivering lip, leaving a wet streak behind on her rosy cheek.
“I won’t. I promise,” she said quietly.
He pulled her arm and turned her to face him. Wiping the tears from her cheeks, he smiled down at her.
“Good. See? That’s a good girl. I think maybe the medicine didn’t work well enough this morning.”
She stiffened, and her eyes went wide. “No. I think it did,” she protested.
He paused. “It’s okay, Ariana. Sometimes it takes a few doses, and we already had to use more sedative with you than normal. I’ll take you back to your room and ask the nanny to bring you another sippy cup. You’ll take a nap and by dinner time, you should be on track.”
“Oh, okay,” she said, a small smile tugging on her lips.
“But first, you have to answer me honestly.” He cupped her chin and brought it higher. “Did you like what Daddy did to you? Did you like my kisses?”
Her cheeks erupted into a deep red blush, and she lowered her gaze.
He chuckled. “I think you did. But you have to always answer your daddy. Your forever daddy will need you to tell him how much you enjoyed his touches. So, you’ll practice with me.”
Usually, explaining what will be expected of the girls in her next house didn’t affect him. It was simply part of his job to describe what their next daddy might want. But with Ariana looking so innocent and pure before him, with the small tinge of embarrassment present on her delicate features, it turned his stomach. Another man would be giving her these instructions in a few short months if he did his job well. He’d only have weeks with her, while some asshole would get a lifetime.
Ariana winced, looking up, and Costello loosened his grip on her chin. He needed to get his thoughts under control.
“So, go on, Ariana. Tell Daddy,” he encouraged when she still kept silent.
“I did, Daddy. I liked when you kissed my…” Her cheeks flamed again, and the words died off.
He raised his eyebrows. Too much leeway and she’d get the idea she could use her cuteness against him. All little girls tried it at least once with him.
“Your pussy. I kissed your pussy. Go on.”
“I liked it when you kissed my pussy, Daddy. I liked it a lot,” she said and dropped her gaze to settle on his chest.
“That’s a good girl.” He leaned forward and brushed his lips across hers, meaning only to give her a peck. But once he touched her, he wanted more.
So much more.
His hand slipped along her jaw to cup her face, and he pressed harder against her, deepening the kiss.
“Open for me,” he mumbled against her mouth, and when his tongue touched her bottom lip, she parted for him. Sweetly giving over to him the way a good girl does for her daddy. When he broke the kiss, tearing himself away from her, he touched his nose to hers.
“I like that, too, Daddy,” she whispered, her soft breath washing across his cheeks.
He chuckled. “Me too, little girl. Me too.” He stepped back from her. “Let’s get you dressed.”
He scooped up the dress from the chair. “No, I’m going to dress you. Not all Daddies do that, but in my room, if you need dressing, I’ll do it.” He gathered the material in his hands and thrust the opening of the dress over her head. Silently, she let him maneuver her arms through the sleeves and button her up.