Page 5 of Naughty Girl - A Dark Mafia Menage Romance
Looking around the room, it surprised me to see that it was completely empty. There was not a single piece of furniture, a painting, curtains, or even a rug on the aged hardwood floor. In a manor such as this, one would expect a large canopied bed mastering the room with lush bedding and pillows. Possibly the floor-to-ceiling window draped with heavy velvet curtains. Antique furniture to adorn the room and even a large oriental rug that would cover most of the marred wooden floor. The room should be lovely, elegant, and welcoming. Quite the opposite of what the reality was.
Bare. Completely bare.
I turned and looked at the brothers, who stood by the door watching me examine the room. “Am I to stay in this room?” I was almost too scared to ask the question in fear of what I would hear.
They both nodded.
“But there is no furniture,” I said softly. Was I to be expected to sleep on the floor? What about clothing and personal items?
“By doing every single thing we say without protest, you can start earning some items of comfort,” Thomas explained. “If you argue or put up a fight, we will still do what we intended to do, but you will earn a consequence instead. Good girl versus naughty girl.”
“What do you intend to do to me?” My voice cracked, and I thought I might have to run to the bathroom I saw across the hall and throw up.
“Have our baby. Behave,” Stefano answered.
“And do I just stay in this room until the baby comes?”
Stefano took a step toward me. “Until you earn the comfort of exiting the room.” He reached into a leather holder on his belt and pulled out a knife. The silver of the blade glimmered beneath the light cast by a small chandelier above. “But it’s time we begin.” He took another menacing step toward me as my heart stopped. “Remove all your clothing.”
His command was accented by the heavy step of Thomas circling to my left, as if I needed a reminder of what would come if I said no.
I reached for the top button of my blouse and slowly unbuttoned it. “Am I to be a whore to you both whenever you want?” I stared him directly in the eyes. “So, I have to fuck you both at the same time? Is that what I’m understanding?”
Stefano closed the distance between us and placed the knife at the side of my neck right below my earlobe. “Fucking you would give you pleasure. And the last thing we plan on doing to you right now is give you pleasure.” He ran the knife along my collarbone and down until it reached my fingertips holding the button of my blouse. He then forced the blade between the button and the fabric and started plucking the buttons right off, disrobing me his way.
I remained perfectly still. The knife was so close to my flesh that I worried the slightest move would have it slicing my skin instead of the blouse.
“We’ll put our seed in you many times. Over and over until the swell on your belly is evident,” Stefano said as he used the knife to cut through the thin band connecting my bra between my breasts.
He paused and looked me directly in the eyes as the cool air kissed my now exposed nipples as Thomas took hold and ripped the material of the bra off me.
Stefano took a step back and said, “Now remove the rest of your clothes and stand naked before us. We will give you the first opportunity to earn an item of comfort.” When I didn’t move right away, he raised one eyebrow and added, “You’ll be naked standing before us one way or the other. We’re giving you the opportunity to at least earn some comfort for the act. Your choice.”
“Good girl or naughty girl?” Thomas added as he crossed his arms against his chest awaiting my answer.
Glancing at the knife in Stefano’s hand, and then at the way his jaw clenched while he waited, I decided it best to do exactly as the brothers wished. At least for now. I had to regroup. Think everything through. I needed time to process, but I needed to be alive to do so. If all I had to do was stand naked before them, then so be it. Trying to not overthink or allow my pride to get in the way of my survival, I disrobed as fast as I could.
“Leave your panties on,” Thomas instructed. “For now. I like the way they look on you. Delicate and sexy.”
I paused as his deep voice broke my spell of compliance. “Please don’t make me do this.” My voice quivered as much as my body did. Fresh tears erupted and ran down my cheeks as I watched Stefano, who kept the same cold expression on his face he had from the beginning.