Page 32 of Naughty Girl - A Dark Mafia Menage Romance
Chapter Twelve
The days continued on, as did the regular and routine punishments. Thomas had only fucked me one more time, and it was not the same as before. He had simply pushed me against a wall and quickly took me from behind in an animalistic way before he tanned my ass with a strap. Stefano had fucked me three more times, and none had been as intense as the first. I had longed for even a quick glimpse of that connection we had when we all three had been together. I hungered for it as I had once hungered for their cocks to be inside of me.
I wanted all of Thomas.
I wanted all of Stefano.
I wanted to know what was behind the tough exterior they both had and why they both gave me little of who they were inside. I knew there was more. So much more.
But they were cold. Both so, so cold.
I had seen small glimpses. They were still strict as ever, but I also received tender touches here and there. They would carry me to bed after a session, and both had even held me as I fell asleep several evenings. Each had bathed me, brushed my hair, and both the brothers had started taking every meal with me in the dining room.
Yes, they were still severe disciplinarians, but when I was their perfect naughty girl and then had submitted like the good girl they wanted me to be, they usually rewarded me with kindness, even if it was just in small doses. Because I hungered to see and to feel more of that connection, I constantly searched for it in their eyes and in their actions, and I knew without a doubt that I could see it. I most certainly could feel it. Not all the time… but the times did exist.
Yes, I was still earning my comfort items.
I was still a prisoner.
But there was something different in the way they both watched me. In the way they touched me. And even in the way they punished me.
There were still constant reminders of my reality, however. The brothers had requested other enema sessions, which Gio always recorded for later viewing. Both Stefano and Thomas often demanded to have a close-up recording of many spankings where I had to hold my butt cheeks spread wide so they could see my anus as it too would be spanked and prodded for their viewing. They were always far harsher with me when the camera was rolling, and I knew that it was expected for the tears to flow. Even if I didn’t particularly feel like crying, I knew it would please them. I think I knew deep down it was what they wanted to see—my pain, my suffering, my miserable penance. And whenever I performed as I knew the brothers wanted, they would reward me with a caress, or a touch that made my heart soar. But the brothers also wanted to see me as a captive hating every single minute of her stay in the manor, and I played the part perfectly.
If the brothers only knew.
If they only knew just how much my body craved the penance. They weren’t the monsters. I was the fucking monster. I wanted and actually liked every single lick of pain. I ached for the next fix. I absolutely writhed in agony when I was without one of their touches. I was an addict, and the brothers were the only one who could deliver the drug I craved.
“You should be carrying our baby by now,” Thomas said after my evening belting. “It’s been months, and something tells me that you’re with child. Stefano and I are starting to make plans to move you to one of our properties to have you carry the baby with the best medical staff at your disposal.”
It was as if ice cold water had been thrown on my quivering body. My heart froze as my knees buckled, and I fell to the floor. I looked up into Thomas’s stunned face with wide eyes and shook my head in denial.
I didn’t want to think about having a baby.
Their baby.
Every time I did, it would make me panic. It was too real. Too…
A baby would bring all three of us back into reality.
With furrowed brow, he kneeled down and took my hand in his. “What’s wrong? Are you sick?” The look of concern on his face was foreign, and I took a moment to absorb a new element of the man I longed to know more about.
“I’m not sick.” Although I couldn’t breathe normally, and my body grew clammy.
Thomas wiped a loose strand of hair from my face and placed his palm on my forehead. “What’s going on, Hailey? Do you need a doctor?” He pulled my shivering body against his and cradled me.