Page 67 of Knot Your Past
As soon as we walked in, a realtor rushed over to greet us.
"I'm assuming you're in the pack that Dean told me all about," she gushed. "I'm Stella, I'm going to help you find your home. I've got some really great places lined up, three to be exact. Lockwood's not that big," she joked. I liked her immediately. Her brightness was exactly what we needed in the moment. I even noticed some of the guys relaxing at the prospect of getting the hell out of the inn.
The first house that she led us to was an immediate no for me. It was so close to the neighbors that there was barely any yard or privacy. It was way smaller than expected. We'd be like sardines in there.
The second house was pretty similar to Ellie's, out of town and surrounded by empty land. Vince and I shared a look. He knew my stance on this and laughed as I wrinkled my nose.
"Absolutely not," I said. Isaac seemed just as wary as he glanced around the yard.
Stella didn't lose her positivity.
"Well, we've got one more today. I'll keep an eye out if none of these work," she promised.
The moment I walked into the two story colonial, I knew it was mine. It had character that newer builds lacked. I loved the gorgeous archways and chunky molding.
The guys stayed close behind me as I took charge now, asking all the important questions. Stella answered what she could and let us take it in, my guys sticking right by me.
"This house is huge," I said. "And has enough rooms."
"We don't all need separate rooms," Sawyer pointed out. "As long as we have beds. We're used to sharing."
"So are we," Amos agreed.
The master bedroom was huge and I could easily see a giant bed in here that fit us all. It would also double as my own personal space. There were four more bedrooms on the main floor, five more upstairs. It had a fairly large attic and finished basement, meaning even more space to work with.
"This will be perfect," Jackson said as we walked into the basement next. It was open and bright, the white walls and plush carpet keeping it from having a creepy basement vibe. "I can set up my desk down here."
"There's enough bedrooms for a nest, too," Colt said, his eyes heating at the prospect. I squeezed my thighs together at the thought. It was easy to picture it here, I knew exactly what I would put in it.
"Come on, there's more," Vince teased. We found the kitchen next. I could see Oaks and Silas cooking in the kitchen and the dining table could fit us all.
"Holy shit, the yard is amazing," Sawyer said as he slid open the sliding doors. It could rival my parents’ but had a large privacy fence instead of their shrubbery.
The houses next door were not right up against us, either.
It was easy to see our lives here, filling the space with our different personalities and styles, throwing parties with our friends and family, basically having a life together.
When we finished, Stella stopped us in the entry.
"So, what are we thinking?" We all looked at each other and I knew without a doubt we all agreed.
“This is the one.”
The last three weeks were a whirlwind between signing papers, putting in our offer, us getting accepted, and hiring in painters and contractors. I was thankful to have the guys to handle most of that and Isaac didn't hesitate to pay rush fees, wanting it done as quickly as possible. Our stay at the inn had gone on long enough.
Now we were standing outside with the moving truck while Isaac turned the key in the lock. When he stepped inside the security system announced our presence, letting us know the front door was open. He quickly disarmed it with the code he'd given us all.
"I'm leaving the back door engaged," he said, tapping something before glancing our way. "That way no one sneaks in on us."
It would have sounded paranoid if we hadn't been through everything else. The stalker had been quiet and it was just as unnerving. We were forced to wait for him to come from the shadows and strike.
I didn't complain as I pushed my way through the door and into our new house. It was a complete transformation. It was amazing before but with a fresh coat of paint, new flooring, and new furniture, it was even better.
Each room was better than the last and I fell in love with the house all over again.