Page 27 of Knot Your Past
"He takes cooking seriously," Colt said. "Don't take it to heart."
"I wasn't worried," I reassured him.
Colt smiled but didn't argue.
"Serenity, what did you do to corrupt our alpha?" Vince called out as I joined them in the living room.
"Just took him for a few drinks," I said as I grabbed my favorite throw blanket and curled up in the corner of my sectional.
"You guys all owe me five bucks!" Colt cheered. The guys groaned and handed over their money. I raised my eyebrows, waiting for the explanation.
"We took bets on where you were taking him. I said booze, because it fixes everything," Colt explained.
"Okay, now I need the other guesses," I demanded, looking at Vince and Sawyer.
"Oaks refused to play. He was already in the zone, but I said massages," Vince answered.
"That sounds amazing," I said with a sigh, already picturing how good one would feel after the last few days of chaos.
"I can help with that," Isaac said, lifting me as if I weighed nothing and settling me between his legs. My protests died as his hands kneaded at the knots on my shoulders. A loud moan escaped and the room descended into a heavy silence.
"Damn, you'd think you guys had never been around an omega before," I teased without even opening my eyes. "Alright, what was your guess Sawyer?"
"Rage room. It's my go to guess for everything," he admitted. Damn, that was a solid suggestion, too.
"I've never been to one," I said. "Though it could be therapeutic as fuck."
"We went a few times over the years. There was one near one of the docks we visited and I've been obsessed ever since. Maybe Lockwood needs one," he mused.
"I know more than a few citizens who could use some anger management," I joked. "Especially my boss."
That had Isaac pausing and the other guys looking at me.
"Your boss gets angry at you?"
I laughed at that. They only saw Walter when he was amused by my misfortune. Not a true depiction of the man.
"Me? No. The general public and all his customers? Yes," I clarified. "You'll have to see him in action to understand but he wouldn't hurt anyone."
“You two seem close,” Sawyer said.
“We are. There are three of us he’s taken in like his daughters,” I admitted. “He plans to leave the shop to the three of us.”
“Didn’t Ellie just move here?” Colt pointed out. “Seems crazy to leave something to a new girl.”
“Ellie is Ellie. She’s easy to trust and genuine. We remind him of his daughters and he’s even taken Tori, Ellie’s sister under his wing,” I explained. “Walter is Walter, there’s no changing his mind.”
“Does it bother you?” Vince’s question wasn’t surprising, I could see how to an outsider it would seem strange.
“No.” My answer was completely honest and they seemed confused so I continued on. “She’s one of us now. It makes sense to us.”
Isaac resumed the massage and I relaxed back into him, everyone else letting the subject drop.
Vince let out a small sigh. "Is it wrong to feel this relaxed already? I don't even know your middle name, favorite color, how you take your coffee, but I've got no problem kicking back in your living room with no awkwardness."
"Ellie always teased me that when I met my pack it would be like this. I just didn't expect it to be true," I offered, groaning again when Isaac hit a particularly rough knot, releasing it with deft hands.
"I'm not complaining," Isaac said. His voice was deeper than before and I bit back a laugh. He was enjoying this as much as I was.