Page 57 of Knot Your Life
A burst of heat pushed us all back, the flames roaring to life with a vengeance. The fabrics curled in on themselves and quickly burned down to ashes.
We watched the flames in silence until they died completely. Only then did I turn to the others, ready to get down to business.
“Do we need to go downtown and file a police report before we go shopping?”
Ezra’s brows furrowed. “We’re going shopping?” he questioned. Everyone shook their heads. He was clearly the only one confused.
“We have to fix this nest,” I pointed out. “Sorry, I know you guys just bought all this.”
“We understand,” Collin reassured me. “We should go downtown first and file the report. We can show our footage. I found several clips on my security app. We should be able to send it all to them. From letting herself inside to walking through the house and desecrating the attic.”
Two hours later, we had officially filed the police report and made it out of there with minimal questioning. Everyone gave a statement but the sheriff seemed to understand our desire to leave. He was furious. She had broken the restraining order and pushed us further.
He was going to be relentless as he went after this girl.
We drove out of Lockwood and toward the city. It was the only place with a department store big enough to have what we needed.
Bear and I weren’t shy as we filled the carts with everything we needed, from rugs to blankets to fresh linens. I had throw pillows in all shapes and sizes, along with a few accents we couldn’t resist.
Not one alpha or beta complained. There was no bitching about cost or questioning what we put in the carts. Not that I needed their permission, I could pay for it myself. Though, I doubt that would happen without protest.
“Is this everything you want?” Collin asked when we both came to a stop.
“Yes, I think I’ve got everything for the nest. I just had to get her out of our space.”
Now as I stared at the towering carts I started to question myself. Did I take it too far? We wasted so much.
As if he could sense my decline in mood, Bear stepped over and put his hand in mind.
“Don’t second guess it, Ellie. You didn’t do anything wrong. Every time we would have laid on those beds we would have thought of that bitch.”
“No one is questioning you guys. You do what you need to do. I promised you a nest and you’re going to have it,” Ezra argued.
“None of this is on you. In fact, we could probably sue her for the price of all of this and damages,” Dean pointed out.
“No,” I said with fire in my tone. “I don’t want anything tainted by her. Even money. I’ve got plenty to cover this.”
“We have plenty,” Atlas corrected. I rolled my eyes at them playfully but I didn’t have the energy to argue.
“There’s one more place I want to stop before we leave,” I told them.
“Lead the way, omega,” Collin said with a wink. I turned around and walked through the store, not stopping until I’d reached the baby section. I obviously didn’t know if we were having a boy or girl but there were plenty of things I could buy until then.
Just buying something would make it feel more real. It was me taking back control when it was forcefully ripped from my hands.
“Oh my god do you see these shoes?” Atlas gushed as he picked up the tiniest pair of shoes I’d ever seen. He held them up to show the group. I’ve never seen a group of men melt so quickly.
“Hey this will go with your ocean theme, Ellie,” Ezra said. He picked up a box of plushies, a cute whale, dolphin, octopus, and fish. I bit back a laugh as he tossed it into the cart. Who knew they would love this part of shopping more than I did.
“Man, I never realized how much stuff babies need,” Atlas said. He was staring at the wall of walkers, strollers, and car seats with wide eyes.
“Bear and I will make our baby a crib,” Ezra pointed out. “That’s one less thing to worry about. Maybe a rocking chair if we can manage in time.”
“I’ve heard a lot of this isn’t necessary. We’ll have to do some research,” Collin said, always the practical one. “We won’t need half of it until the baby is older. The little guy won’t come out walking.”
He gave me a wink and I narrowed my eyes.
“‘Little guy?’” I asked.