Page 55 of Knot Your Life
The rest of us followed at a more sedate pace. When she turned around to face us I expected smiles but instead tears were rolling down her cheeks.
“Ellie, what’s wrong?” Ezra asked, running his hands over her to check for any sign that she was hurt.
“They’re happy tears, you dork,” she choked out. “I can’t believe you guys did all this for me. It’s too much.”
“Nothing is too much for you. Come on, you can check it out later,” Collin told her. The alpha took her and Bear’s hands, leading them to the garage. Dean walked inside and pulled open the sliding door to reveal the interior.
It was Bear’s turn to lose his mind. He turned in a circle, taking in the reading space and a small writing desk. He’d mentioned wanting to write his own some day and now he had a place to start.
“No way you guys did this for me,” he protested. “I’ve only spoken about writing a few times. I love reading, but… I’ve not even been in this pack long enough for a gesture like this.”
“You omegas keep telling us it’s too much,” I deadpanned. "Stop questioning how long you’ve been in the pack. Pack is pack, Bear. The end.”
He ducked his head slightly but he couldn’t hide his smile. After a deep breath he leaned up and kissed the alpha standing next to him. Collin patted his ass before Bear was pulling away, giving us each a hug, thanking us in his own way for thinking of him.
“Come on, we have to go inside now,” I said, growing impatient. I wanted them to see the nest that we worked so hard on.
Ezra was insistent that it be something grand and we’d pulled it together perfectly. He hated that she didn’t have a nest for her first heat with us and we weren’t willing to let that happen again.
Plus, from what I’d read on the parenting blogs and sites, nesting wasn’t just for heat, but also to hide away with their newborn.
“This house is incredible,” Ellie said as she walked through the door, taking in every new fixture and piece of furniture that she hadn’t seen.
She took her time, ignoring the impatience of her entire pack as we trailed behind her. Finally, the omegas led the way up the stairs.
I expected some sort of reaction but it was dead silent as Dean and I reached the landing. It took one look around to realize why.
Morgan was naked, spread out on Ellie’s mattress and grinning wildly. A collection of dildos and sex toys were lying on the mattress around her.
She patted the spot next to her and gave a sultry purr.
“It was so nice of you to make me a nest. Who’s going to come help me enjoy it?”
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” I asked, finally breaking the stunned silence as we all looked at Morgan in disbelief.
Clearly, this omega was just as unhinged as the alpha and beta who attacked Bear. It wasn’t the first time that I thought they were perfect for each other, they could be psychos together, if only they’d leave us alone.
“I’m just trying to get my men back. Atlas and Dean were mine first,” Morgan said as she stood up. The way she pushed out her breasts and pouted her lip would have drawn the attention of most men. But mine were too pissed off to even look at her. Ezra and Collin had turned slightly away while Dean and Atlas looked ready to kill her.
Atlas laughed openly at her words as he stepped closer to me, his shoulder brushing against mine in a silent show of support.
“The list of things that I would rather do than ever see you again is extensive and graphic. I’d rather break my own bones. Eat dirt. Wrestle an alligator Steve Irwin style.”
Dean stepped up to my other side. “I’d rather walk down a hallway full of Legos. The small ones that really hurt.”
Bear stopped them before the twins could list more terrible things they'd rather endure.
“Morgan. I have a restraining order. You being here is against the law,” Bear said. “This is our packhouse and our nest, you have no right to be here. I know that it’s hard for you to believe because you’re a narcissist, but no one here wants you. There’s no friendship or relationship with any of us. You’re delusional. Just because your pack ended up in jail, doesn't mean you get to try and take ours.”
She let out a laugh before her eyes narrowed in on Ezra who was holding up his cell phone. She let out a feral shriek that had me covering my ears.
“Are you recording me without permission? I’m naked!”
“I’m recording you in my own home. You’re currently trespassing, so I’m collecting evidence. You are not welcome here and we’re asking you to leave now. And rest assured, we will be filing a new police report for this incident and we have direct footage of you actively breaking your restraining order. That won’t look good on your record.”
Atlas gasped, like he’d just had a lightbulb moment. “Oh, I get it! You’re just trying to join them in jail. You know women and men usually have different cell blocks, right? You’ll never see them.”