Page 46 of Knot Your Life
After leaving the interview, I drove through town. The only place I could head after that was toward my siblings. As if they knew I needed them, Tori was parked in the driveway, already here.
I didn’t bother knocking, instead letting myself in with my key and locking the door behind me.
Voices echoed in from the kitchen and I headed that way, dropping dramatically on the stool at the kitchen island. Generally this would be the point that Micah would pull out a beer but that was obviously out of the question.
“Was it that bad?” Tori questioned as she patted my head. “Micah said you had an interview today. It’s your last one at least?”
“Oh, they chose to go out with a bang,” I laughed humorlessly. “Guess who showed up. None other than Morgan, oh and it didn’t end there, they also brought out our parents, who are apparently in town.” My voice had a game-show flair that had both of them horrified and amused at the same time. No one bothered to laugh at the joke, too stunned to speak.
Same, guys.
“Our parents are in town?” Micah questioned, not even bothering his annoyance. “Oh god, that means they’ll fucking come here next. They know where I live.”
“I'd definitely be prepared for an appearance. Especially after what I said to them. Mom tried to play the victim, saying I was such a difficult child and made her miserable and never let her teach me a thing. You know how our mom was such a charitable woman,” I said drily.
Tori laughed. “That woman wants nothing but attention. Anything that made her look good she would use until it didn’t, us included.”
“She spent the entire time falling over Morgan. Even offering to be a surrogate mother to her after Morgan went on this huge sob story about her past. I mean it was sad, I’ll give her that, but it doesn’t mean you get to be a trash human because of it.”
I took the soda Micah slid my way and took a sip, taking a deep breath before continuing.
“By the looks the host and Morgan were sharing, it was obvious that everyone but me knew what was going on. I was just there to be the butt of the joke again. If not for this fucking reunion episode I’d be done. At least this was the last one on one interview,” I said, hating that I’d ever put myself through this. “If I so much as mention going on TV again, punch me. Hard.”
“Gladly,” Tori said a bit too eagerly. “I can’t believe they didn’t warn you they were going to ambush you on live TV.”
“Sucks for them because I wasn’t exactly the docile little omega they were expecting. I told the world all about how Morgan split from the twins and tried to destroy their relationship in the process. Shutting Mom down at every turn was easy. Then our Mr. Big Bad Alpha Father decided to try and interject with his ‘how dare you speak to her like that’ crap. That was always his favorite line, wasn’t it? He always bought whatever lies she fed him.”
Micah scoffed. “That was his favorite.”
“We heard it plenty,” Micah said. “Anytime we didn’t just fall into line like the little robots they wanted. Sometimes, it was easier just to be shut down and fall in line so we didn’t have to deal with the bullshit.”
“Clearly that wasn't something I ever learned,” I said bitterly. “Instead, I fought with her until the day I finally ran. There was a reason I went no contact. I told her not to try this shit with me again because it wouldn’t go well for her.”
A knock on the front door had us all freezing.
Micah turned to me. “Tell me you locked the door behind?” I nodded my head yes. It was something I always did, a habit from spending years in the city. “Good, go to the hallway to hide. Tori, lock the back door, you’re the quickest.”
As if we were kids again trying to hide from our mother, we were running for the hall. Tori locked the door before joining us. We all fell into a heap, hands over our mouths as we tried not to laugh at the absurdity of the situation we found ourselves in.
At least my siblings had my back. The last thing that I wanted to do was talk to them again today.
This omega hit her limit for stupidity hours ago.
“Micah? Tori? I know you’re in there withher!” my mother’s shrill voice echoed through the house. There were a few beats of silence before someone jiggled the back door handle. When that didn’t work the knocking picked back up.
“One point for Micah, zero points for the assholes,” Micah muttered under his breath. We both had to slam our hands over Tori’s mouth when she started to laugh. Hers was one of those laughs that carried in a room. Our parents would be relentless if they knew we were inside.
The assault on the front and back doors continued for a solid twenty minutes before they finally gave up. We didn’t dare move for another ten, talking quietly and pretending that we weren’t crammed in this small hallway.
“You know you guys don’t have to not have a relationship just because I don’t, right?” I said quietly. “I know that you had a different experience than I did.”
“The fact that you can confidently say that we had a different experience is enough for me not to want anything to do with them. The goal this year is no toxic assholes,” Tori said.
“Amen to that,” Micah said, wrapping his hand around mine and helping me up. “Don’t worry, little sis, we’ve got your back. We’re all the family we need.” He gathered Tori and I in a sibling group hug.
Tori pulled back, suddenly very serious. “You need to get out of town tonight. We all know this won’t be the first time they stop by. Micah and I can handle them but you don’t need this, not after that interview.”