Page 13 of Knot Your Life
“I don’t remember a Max,” Ezra said and the other locals agreed.
“No, I think he just wants in. It’s a cute town and the small businesses do well here,” he explained. “Maybe he’s just tired of city life.”
“I feel that,” I said. “It takes a certain kind of person to want that life. I’m clearly not that person.”
“You’re the celebrity here, too,” Tori teased. “Do you have any interviews coming up? I missed the last one.”
“Tomorrow actually,” I said, groaning at the realization. “It’s with that awful guy again, too, Grady Stone with Backstage Pass.”
“Oh, he’s crazy,” Kat said. “I once watched him make an alpha cry on set.”
“That was the cheater episode, wasn’t it?” Tori gasped. “Poor guy’s snotty face was plastered everywhere.”
“I guess you shouldn’t be a dick, then,” Serenity said, her face twisting into a scowl. Clearly, cheating was a sore subject for her. No wonder she was anti-pack for herself.
“Did you get a decent price for it?” Micah asked Collin, moving the conversation back on topic. I shot him a relieved look and he gave me a quick wink before anyone could notice.
“Yeah, actually. He didn’t want anyone to contest, so we got it for more than we asked for,” he admitted. “We’ll get a solid chunk of change each.”
“That means I get to go furniture shopping,” I grinned. “We still have a lot to fix on the pack house but I’m determined to have stuff picked out and ready.”
“Now I’ll have more to put into the house,” Collin said. “Time and money.”
“Then a celebratory night was definitely in order,” Serenity said as she grabbed the bill. We followed her to the front register, all of us paying for our portion before heading out.
“You’re with us,” Dean said, dragging me to Atlas’s charger and climbing in back with me.
“What am I, a chauffeur?” Atlas grumbled.
“I’ll ride with you,” Ezra said, slipping into the front seat. “Collin, Micah, and Tori are riding together and Serenity and Kat are driving separately since they have to work.”
“I’m off, thankfully, just the interview tomorrow afternoon,” I said.
“Letting off some steam can’t hurt,” Atlas said. “Has Collin said anything about Bear? I’ve been afraid to bring it up.”
“Not really. I told him he needed to at least consider it. Maybe tomorrow night when we all get home we should discuss it,” I said.
“I agree, but no more Bear talk,” Dean said firmly. His hand went to my thigh, giving it a squeeze. “That’s a ‘tomorrow’ problem. Tonight is ‘good vibes and celebration.’”
“Speaking of good vibes, I think Kat has a crush on your dad,” I said as a way to change the subject. It had the desired effect, both men gasping in horror and Ezra bursting out into laughter.
“No,” Dean groaned. “Why, Ellie?!”
“It’s true. She was all flirty and he was completely and totally oblivious to it. Though, he does give her sweet, little smiles,” I explained.
“Some omegas like a good silver fox,” Ezra said, barely containing his amusement. Atlas tried to swat at him but the alpha blocked the blow, laughing even harder now.
“Okay, this is officially an even worse conversation,” he protested.
“Oh, it’s not that bad. Don’t you want your dad to date?” I asked. We hadn’t discussed Grant’s dating life, but even I knew how hurt he was after the pack left him behind.
“I do,” Dean admitted reluctantly. “Just not with someone our age.”
“We’re adults here,” Atlas said. “If he’s happy, then I’m happy. At least we don’t hate her. Though, I won’t fucking call her ‘Mom.’”
“Understandable,” Ezra said, more serious now. “The man thought he was on his deathbed. Nothing tempts you to embrace life quite like being faced with your own demise.”
“Damn dude, that was dark,” Dean said. “But you’re not wrong. Even I was terrified.”