Page 43 of Collided
“You’re joking.”
“I’m fucking not,” Cole bit out. “Now you’re letting him buy you a drink, and I can’t tell him that I’m your boyfr—the guy you’re seeing because Tom and the rest of the band might find out.”
“Shit.” I grimaced, seeing the interactions in a new light. It had never crossed my mind that the guy might be flirting with me. People didn’t flirt with me. Or did they, and I’d just been ignorant? Either way, I had to let Scott down and, more importantly, calm Cole down.I angled my head towards Cole’s. He was so close that my nose brushed against his cheek. “I didn’t realise he was into me. I’ll set him straight, but you need to calm down. People are gonna get suspicious if you go around acting like a jealous boyfriend.”
“Now you know how I feel when you act all jealous.” Some of the anger bled from his tone. “I’m not even pissed off with you. It’s him that’s the problem.” He sighed, taking a step back from me, turning to the bar and resting his elbows on the scratched and dented wooden surface. “I’m sorry. I wanted to tell you how good you were tonight. I was so proud of you, Hux.”
“My dad told me he was proud of me. Can you believe it?”
“He did?” Cole’s eyes lit up, and he finally smiled. “You really were amazing tonight. That—”
“Amazing. Epic. Unbelievable. Your voice!”
Cole’s expression darkened again as Scott rejoined us, handing me a full pint glass dripping with condensation. “He’s right. You really are amazing. I must’ve watched your cover of “Stop Crying Your Heart Out” a hundred times. If your YouTube views suddenly jump, it’s because I’ve been watching you on repeat.” He winked again, angling his body towards mine and getting up in my personal space, and okay, Cole had probably been right. It did seem like this guy was interested in me.
My gaze shot to the stage. There was no sign of the rest of the band, but I still didn’t want to risk anything. I did the only thing I could think of. “Some of those views are probably from my boyfriend. He likes to watch us play on repeat too.”
Scott deflated, his smile disappearing, but I was more interested in Cole’s reaction. A wide, almost taunting grin appeared on his face that he didn’t even try to hide.Smug bastard.
“So your friend wasn’t lying when he said you weren’t single.” Scott shook his head with a sigh. “All the best ones are taken.”
“Yeah. Sorry.” A thought came to me, and I followed through. Cole was a fucking tease sometimes, and so it was only fair that I got to have some fun too. “It’s a good thing he isn’t here tonight so you didn’t have to hear his off-key singing. The man can’t hold a tune.”
“Hey! Your boyfriend has a great singing voice,” Cole interrupted, his glare reappearing.
“Great if you’re tone-deaf.”
“Maybe you need your ears checked,” he shot back, and Scott’s brows flew up. He stared at Cole for a minute, and then his expression grew calculating.
“Bro, it kind of sounds like you’re into Huxley’s boyfriend.”
Cole studied Scott over the top of his pint, taking a casual sip. “Nah. He’s not my type. But he is incredibly good-looking. Some have said he could be a model. He’s funny, and clever, and a complete fucking catch, in my opinion.”
“He’s also completely narcissistic,” I added.
“He’s amazing.”
“And he thinks very highly of himself.”
“Okay, what’s going on here?” Scott stared between us before focusing on me. “It really sounds like Cole’s the one who’s into your boyfriend, and you’re not into him at all.” He wiggled his brows. “Does this mean I have a chance?”
The fun had gone on for long enough. I shook my head. “No. Despite his many, many faults, including his huge ego, he’s pretty fucking amazing, like Cole said.”
“And he’s really into you.” Cole’s eyes met mine, and my heart skipped a beat. Why did he have to look at me that way when we were around other people?
With an effort, I returned my gaze to Scott’s. “I’m not interested in anyone else.” Before things could get awkward, I beckoned to Tom, who had just re-entered the pub via the back exit. He was followed by Rob and Curtis. I took a moment to introduce Scott to them, and then I met Cole’s eyes again, subtly indicating towards the door the band members had just come through.
When the two of us finally made it outside, at the back of the pub in the small courtyard that the van was parked in, I pulled Cole around the side of the van so we wouldn’t be spotted by anyone.
“Cole. What—”
I didn’t even get a chance to finish asking him what the fuck had just happened in there because he curved his fingers around my throat and yanked me into him, his mouth coming down on mine.
I responded immediately, throwing myself into his kiss, lost in the feel of his lips. Despite my worries about our parents and what people finding out would mean for our relationship, I wasn’t prepared to give this up. Not yet.
Istared down at the text on my screen. The vibration alert on my phone had broken the trance I’d fallen into in the uni library, where I was tucked into a back corner, working on my assignment.