Page 40 of Collided
I never finished my sentence because he shuddered against me and then stilled, his head falling forwards to the crook of my neck. I could feel his heart pounding against my chest, little tremors rocking us both as the aftershocks raced through our bodies.
Neither of us moved for a long time, other than Hux easing out of me. We didn’t break the silence with words. We just held each other, alone together in our own world, sated and spent.
It was the best, most intimate sex I’d ever had in my life. Fucking him in the kitchen had been amazing—quick, dirty, and sexy as fuck—but there was something mind-blowing about what had happened here. And the one thing I knew was that I never wanted to give this up.
I never wanted to give Huxley up. He was in my bloodstream, and I was addicted.
* * *
When Huxley eventually peeled himself from me, both of us wincing at the mess of cum and lube that seemed to have smeared everywhere, he finally spoke. “Shower?”
“I’m too tired to move.” I gave him my best pout, complete with wide eyes.
“My bed’s a mess, and we need to change it before our parents get back. You have to move. Come on.” With a hard tug, he yanked at the duvet underneath me, sending both me and the duvet to the floor, my limbs flailing as I slid off the side of the bed.
“You fucker!” Staggering to my feet, I lunged at him, but he was too quick. He darted for his bathroom door, closing it in my face. “Huxley Granger! Open this fucking door, now!” I shouted, hammering my fists on the wood. The door suddenly flew open, and there was Huxley’s smirking face. His arm shot out, and he gripped my wrist, tugging me inside his bathroom. I found myself pressed up against my hot, very naked stepbrother, and I forgot all about being annoyed with him, wrapping my arms around him and backing him up against the tiled wall.
Needless to say, it took us a while to get around to showering.
When we were finally back in Huxley’s bed—with clean sheets—he threw his arm across my chest, burying his head in the crook of my neck. This intimacy between us was sudden, but it felt so comfortable and so easy. I guessed we’d been working towards it for a while now.
“Hux?” I trailed my hand down his bare back.
“When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?”
He huffed out a soft breath against my throat and then brushed his lips across my skin, so lightly that I half wondered if I’d imagined it. “A few different things. I remember that I wanted to be an astronaut. Then my parents took me to the Natural History Museum, and I wanted to be a palaeontologist. After that, I wanted to be in a band, hitting it big, playing to sold-out stadiums.”
“Do you still want that?”
There was silence for a while, and then he shrugged against me. “I know it won’t happen. For a long time, I didn’t even think of any future. I didn’t think I’d be anything.” He drew in a long, shuddering breath. “I fucked up, Cole. A lot. You know it. Everyone knows it. Even now, I have no fucking clue what’s coming next or if I can even keep up with this uni course and the band.”
“Yeah, you can. You can, and you will. Don’t even fucking think that you won’t.”
“Thanks.” His voice was a whisper. “If I can just get this degree, get a job that pays enough for me to live on, and carry on playing in the band, my life will be made.”
I twisted on the bed so I could look at him. Leaning forwards, I kissed his lips. “You’ll do it, and I’ll be there for you.”
A shy smile appeared on his face, and he ducked his head. “Thanks. Uh, what about you? What did you want to be?”
It was clear he wanted to change the subject, and I was happy to oblige him. I didn’t want him to feel uncomfortable. “Hmmm. I wanted to be a palaeontologist for a while too. Then I wanted to be a footballer. For Arsenal, of course. What else…oh, a pro YouTuber making loads of money doing pranks and shit. You know Unspeakable? He was my idol for a while.”
Huxley laughed against me. “There’s still time to achieve your dreams.”
“Nah, being a YouTuber seems like too much work, thinking up all the content and making it interesting. I’ll be happy with what you said. A job that pays enough for me to live on. I like what I do, and although I’ll probably stop working at Revolve when Mind You increases my hours enough to live on, I’m happy I had the experience working there. The only other thing I want is to have people I love around me. We don’t all need huge career ambitions to be happy. If I have a job I like and people I love, then I’m good.”
“Me too.”
My response to that was to kiss him, and fucking hell, had anyone’s mouth ever been as addictive as Huxley Granger’s was?
“Cole? Huxley?”
“Oh, shit!” My exclamation was drowned out by Huxley swearing up a storm and jackknifing up off the bed. We stared at each other, wide-eyed, as the footsteps drew closer. I finally managed to get my body to work, diving for the bathroom and pulling the door almost all the way closed, my heart hammering in my chest.
When the knock came on Huxley’s door, he was on his stomach, his duvet thrown over the lower part of his body, and one of his uni textbooks in front of him opened to a random page.
“Huxley.” From the small gap in the bathroom door, I watched as Huxley’s dad peered into the room. “Have you seen Cole?” His eyes darted to the left, taking in Huxley’s guitar where he’d left it on the floor hours earlier. “What are you up to?”