Page 57 of Unforgiven in Cheshire Bay
“Oh wow.”
“Right?” I picked at a hangnail. “I don’t want to ruin our relationship when it’s just getting started.”
“Well, I’m going to do some digging and see what I can remove. Do you remember where you left the reviews?” She bounced the pen between her fingers.
“If I knew that, I’d start removing them myself, but I don’t remember. Definitely his restaurant, but maybe Yelp? Google? Any place where I could. Social media sites. And all under a myriad of different user accounts, emails, and screen names.” Damn, I had been ruthless back then; at least recently, I’d kept it narrowed down to a couple of places.
“How many weeks back do you want me to go?”
“I’m sorry?” She nearly choked.
“You’d need to go back seven years.” I took a sip and turned away from her wild-eyed expression. Now I was really feeling guilty for my behaviour.
“Okay,” Lily finally said, splitting the word into two distinct syllables. “That’s going to add up my time.”
I hung my head, feeling the full weight of my vengeance. The tires on my truck should last through the winter, so I could set that bill aside, but Vera needed new hearing aids, so I didn’t dare touch the savings I’d been slowly accumulating.
“I know. Can we do a payment plan?”
Lily tapped on her device and pulled up a fresh screen. “Of course. I’ll send you the contract. Fill in everything you can, adding in any relevant information, and I’ll start as soon as you pay the deposit. Depending on how long this takes me, I’ll be able to throw in a full website upgrade for free.”
“Thank you, I appreciate that.”
It was going to cost me a pretty penny now, way more than the additional price I’d built into David’s cost, but it would be worth it if he never discovered the truth. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if he did. Now to start listing all the social media websites I’d posted on, all the possible emails used, as surely those were tucked into some sort of e-file, hopefully, maybe. And pray that I could get this all cleaned up without David having never known it was me.
Chapter Eighteen
I parked the truck in front of Birch Bay Burgers and unloaded my folding flat deck dolly, putting a cut piece of carpet overtop the base. Today, I was delivering the seven booth pieces, and collecting the rest of the payment for them. I had warned David I was coming but hadn’t said when.
It had been more than a week since I’d seen him, as he snuck over one night after I’d tucked Vera into bed. Since Fran had been hanging around, nothing more than a foot rub had happened, but I was hoping for a little more than that tonight. We were going to go and check out the new brewery in Stewart Surf, and I couldn’t be more excited. It was the one-month anniversary of our first date.
I parked the dolly outside the main doors and went inside. The dining room was coming along beautifully, and with the changes slowly sweeping across from one side to the other, the whole place was looking more grown up.
“Can I help you?” The hostess asked as I approached the stand.
“I’m looking for David.” I scanned the area and didn’t see him in my sights.
“He’s just having a brief staff meeting. Once he’s done, I can have him come out. I’ll take you to your seat.” She grabbed a menu and started walking away.
“No. He’s commissioned me to build some artwork, and I’m here to deliver part of it.”
“Oh.” She set her menu down in a huff. “All deliveries need to go through the back door.”
“I’m not a food delivery.” I pointed out the door in case I wasn’t clear. “I have the artwork. On a dolly. Outside.”
She narrowed her eyes and a confused expression knit her brows together.
“Tell you what, you tell David that Erin is here, and I’ll be out front. Okay?”
I waited for her to move, or blink, or something, but she just stood there.
“Should I write it down? And you can hand him a note?” I started digging through my purse as she still hadn’t moved. “You know what, I’ll just text him.”
“That would be easier.”