Page 46 of Unforgiven in Cheshire Bay
Hand in hand, we strolled through food truck row, and of all the food choices, finally selected donairs. It had been years since I had them, and the picture of them on the side of the truck looked too good to pass up. With our plates, we headed back to our blanket and settled down.
I held the meat-filled pita with two hands, and as I took a bite, David raised his brow. Seeing it from his point of view, it probably looked quite erotic, and since the beer was hitting me nicely, I was going to play it up. I opened my mouth wide and put my lips over the top, biting down slowly, all the while looking deep into his eyes.
His Adam’s apple bobbed, and he gave his lips a quick lick.
If I wasn’t mistaken, there was a little splash of colour tinting his cheeks beneath his whiskers.
“Are you enjoying that?”
I swallowed down the bite, and reached for a napkin, dabbing at the corners of my mouth. “Very much so. You?”
“Oh, I’m enjoying this, yes.”
I continued to slowly tease and taunt him with my seductive donair eating, but I hoped it wasn’t all for nothing. If David wanted me, even to get to first base, I was not going to stop him. I wanted him and hoped my playfulness was a subtle enough cue.
He chowed down on his food, somehow not spilling a drop of sauce anywhere, whereas I had to keep wiping at my mouth.
“Missed a spot.” He took his napkin and brushed it over my cheek.
The skin tingled beneath his touch, and I couldn’t help myself – my breath caught again in my throat.
“Do you want to get out of here?”
“And go where?” My voice was breathless, and I chided myself for being so easy.
“There’s this great pier down the street from my house. With a bitching view of the sunset.”
It wasn’t quite what I had in mind, nonetheless, I agreed.
After we parked at his garage, we sauntered hand-in-hand down the road toward the ocean. The street was deserted, as was the boardwalk extending out to the ocean. Our shoes clacked against the wooden beams, and in wanting to preserve the peace and quiet, I bent down and removed my shoes.
“Do you like being barefoot?”
“Yeah. Even in winter. Don’t you?”
He shook his head and gave my hand a little squeeze. “I’m not a foot person. I always keep mine covered with socks.”
“Even when you’re sleeping?” I laughed.
“Well, no. I tend to sleep naked.”
My heart hammered in my chest, and I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, trying to feign off an incoming rush of heat to my cheeks. “I can’t sleep naked.”
“Probably not a good idea with little ones around.”
“No.” My voice lowered, and all I could imagine was his tight body on full display. In my mind, I peeked under the covers; it was perfection.
“Check it out.” He nudged to the horizon.
I’ve seen some damn amazing sunsets in my life, having lived beside the ocean forever, but that one? It blew them all away. The edge of the water was lined in ambers and mandarins, slowly fading upwards into corals and lavender overhead. The sky to the east was darker shades of indigo and violets, and it was enough to take my breath away, along with my voice.
David wrapped his arms around me, his chin above my shoulder, his lips beside my ear. “It’s almost as beautiful as you.”
I turned to him, gazing into his eyes, and stretched up onto the tips of my toes. With his face between my palms, I tipped my head slowly and brushed my lips across his, unleashing a powerful response.
He lifted me, and I wrapped my legs around him. As he walked, my butt bumped into the railing, and he set me on top. I couldn’t stop kissing him, and I parted my lips to give him full rights to explore. Naturally, he did not disappoint, and the heat from his tongue moving in sync with mine radiated out to the tips of my fingers but stopped momentarily to stoke my embers. I was on fire.
His kisses trailed south, along my neck, and his body pushed harder against mine.