Page 43 of Unforgiven in Cheshire Bay
“Only a few.” He listed them off, not that I knew any of them, however, I was sure Francesca would, having worked in the bar. “But with the renovations, I could always add another one or two.”
“You could.”
He took a sip of his beer and lowered his head. “I told myself I wasn’t going to ask…”
I started laughing, somehow knowing exactly what was on his mind. “The mural is coming along just fine. You can take a peek when you drop me off, although there isn’t much to see yet, but I can show you what the plans are.”
“I’d like that.” He connected with me.
“But for the rest of the night, no talk of work, okay?”
He raised his plastic cup, ready to knock it against mine. “Deal.”
“Good.” After a clink, I let the beer linger on my tastebuds. I needed a few of these to hang out in the shop – a reward for completing a piece or something.
Remembering our earlier conversation about music tastes, I spoke. “So, we should come up with a Plan B, in case this turns out to be death metal or something.”
“Well, if we judge the music based on what the crowds are typically wearing, I think we’re safe.”
I gazed around. Women milled about in long, flowy skirts or soft, comfortable clothes, and the men dressed in a wild assortment from completely casual in shorts and tank tops to nice dress pants and shirts, like David. There was a definite lack of dark, goth-like clothing or people wearing chains and dog collars. Yeah, this crowd didn’t scream death metal.
“I think you’re right.”
“However,” he sat up, “having a backup plan isn’t a bad idea.”
“Especially with those clouds building, although there’s not supposed to be a storm.”
“Nope. Weather forecast looks good, in that regard. Maybe some rain overnight.”
“Ooh, I like the rain.” I took another drink. “Especially walking Main Street at night, just after the fact. It’s like the streets are shiny, and it has this enchanting appeal, like something out of a tv show. One of my favourite things to do, but I don’t get out much to do it.”
“What do you like to do for fun?” David gave me his full attention.
“Well, Vera is my life so when we’re together, we love to watch movies and go to the park. There’s a new park near downtown.”
“But as an adult?”
“Well, aside from the rain walks when Fran can watch Vera, because Vera hates getting wet, I don’t go out much. She doesn’t even like splashing in the ocean.” Or at all.
“Really? I find that hard to believe. We’re a seaside town.” He shook his head. “But as an adult, you don’t do much either?”
I shrugged. “I know it’s weird, but when I wholeheartedly accepted I was going to be a mom, I dove in headfirst, with zero regrets.” After all, it was earth-shattering to learn I was infertile, so to be blessed with pregnancy was a dream come true, even if the circumstances leading up to it weren’t ideal. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for my daughter.
David was watching me intently, his gaze circling my face, and I realised I needed to say something more, so I wasn’t this boring person who did nothing in her minimal spare time.
“I don’t have a lot of girlfriends, but on occasion, we’ll get together and have a beer at Amber’s Ale or something but that’s more a rare treat than a normal occurrence.”
“And you’re okay with that?” He sounded displeased, like there was more to life than what I was living, which was only partly true. Everybody wished for more than they had, but the reality was, I had to make the best of what I had.
“Corny, right? But I’d rather be with Vera and soak up as much of her childhood as I could get. My parents didn’t spend a lot of time with us growing up, and we always had babysitters. Almost weekly, until I became of age to babysit, and then they saved their babysitting fees and put it towards their weekly events. Dad always said Mom was his number one, and he lived to please her. We were an afterthought.”
“Sounds like you had it rough.”
I shook my head and backtracked. “No, no, no. Oh please, don’t think that. I had a great childhood. I’m just saying my parents missed out on so much with me, and my siblings, that I don’t want to do that with Vera. For as long as she can, I’ll attend every one of her sporting events or musical performances or plays.”
“And when she’s completely lost her hearing?” His smile turned downward.
Mine ramped up. “They’ll still have activities; it’ll just be different from what you and I are used to, but you can guarantee I’ll still be there.”