Page 29 of Unforgiven in Cheshire Bay
Chapter Ten
Since our date was scheduled for a Sunday afternoon, and Francesca was still nursing a hangover from her final night at the Cowboy Den, I dropped Vera off at Adam’s place with a kiss on her forehead. Unsure of what to wear, and having no idea what the mystery date included, I chose to wear simple black pants and a loose striped top that I hoped would make me look thinner than I was. I also brought a sweater, just in case we were out into the evening hours. This way, I was prepared for everything.
Right on time, David pulled in front of the bookstore in his Mini Cooper and exited to meet me on the sidewalk. I’d had the foresight to be watching out the window, waiting in anticipation, so it was easy to walk as nonchalantly as possible outside.
“You look amazing, Erin.”
It never failed to put a smile on my face, a sizzle in my cheeks, and a spring in my step. “Thank you. You do as well.”
Although I’d only seen him in dress pants and a buttoned top – every single time – there was no doubt David could make grey sweatpants and a ripped tee look impressive. Even on a Sunday afternoon, he was dressed nicely.
“So where are we off to?” I asked, curiosity ripe in my words.
“Well, I’ve been giving that a lot of thought and weight. After our conversation in your workshop, I wanted to do something for you that would be memorable. You’ve said you don’t go out on many dates…”
Thank goodness that’s what he heard, although it’s not what I said.Manydates was a giant stretch.
“And I wondered, what could I do to make this special for you?”
As sweet as that was, I had to open my mouth. “Just do what you do with your other dates.”
He laughed and covered his heart with his hand.
“Why? What do you normally do?” I leaned forward as I lowered my voice.
“I take them out for dinner and then take them back to my place.”
So, he was a deeply skilled lover, light years ahead of me. Even if I wanted to bed the man, I’d be so out of practice it would be laughable. I vowed to not let things get that far, but maybe that was his plan being a Sunday afternoon date. Maybe he knew I wasn’t sex material, just afternoon fun. Suddenly my spirit was crushed by the weight of my heavy thoughts.
“And I think you deserve a little more respect than that.”
“I’m flattered. Is it because I’m a single mom?” I looked beyond him to the busy main street where pedestrians walked in groups, laughing and having fun.
“It’s because I get the idea you don’t treat yourself much. You put Vera’s needs ahead of your own.”
While it was true – because didn’t every mother? – I was shocked he’d picked up on that. “How could you know that after only seeing me a few times?”
“I saw the state of your house, and the clothes you wear, and yet when I met Vera, she was in ironed clothing, with her hair done, and didn’t look like she had any needs unattended.”
I flashed back to my own messy hair – my signature two-minute style, if it even took that long.
“But it’s more than that. I watched you interact with her, and it was easy to see the love you have for her.”
“Wow – you’re quite observant.”
This time, he blushed. “Maybe. Or maybe it was the way your eyes rolled back in your head when you had a bite of an ordinary chocolate danish.”
“Okay, those are just heavenly.” I tipped my head in a knowing way.
He shrugged. “My point is, you deserve more than a little wining and dining.”
Well, now my curiosity was highly piqued. “So what do you have planned?”