Page 14 of Unforgiven in Cheshire Bay
She fell back on my bed. “It’s been years since you’ve had a man in the house. It’s time to move on.”
“Man in the house? This isn’t even a date!”
“It’s time to get laid, Erin. You need it. It’s been far too long.”
I choked on my own spit. “It hasn’t been that long.”
Seven years wasn’t a long time, right? Afterall, I went twenty-two years once, I could wait until Vera was much older.
“All guys aren’t like him, you know.” She didn’t need to name him, we all knew who thehimwas. He who shall never be named.
“Says who, you? Wasn’t Tristan exactly like him?”
Well, maybe not exactly, and I prayed to God Francesca never had to deal with the likes of Vera’s father and family. In addition to hurting the guy that harmed Francesca, Adam would lose his freaking mind, and he’d already spent enough time in jail for protecting his girlfriend. Although Summer was a smart cookie and escaped before harm fell on her, she also believed I didn’t know the truth, but Cheshire Bay was a small town, and gossip travelled fast.
“Fine, Tristan was a jerk, you happy?”
“No, not really.” I sat beside her on the bed and swiped the bangs away from her eyes. “I want you to be happy, and you deserve a guy who treats you with respect.”
“Wow, aren’t you a little pot calling the kettle black?”
“My time is done. My dating years are far behind me. I have a child who deserves all of me.”
“Oh my god. You act like you’re ninety. You’re thirty-three.”
I brushed off her comment. “Vera needs me.”
“I think Vera would want you to be happy.” Francesca walked to the door. “If you’re not going to change, at least do something with your hair. Maybe you’re not interested in him, but you can dazzle him with your beauty, and make him fall under your spell. Then he’ll pay any price you ask.” Her hand gripped the door frame. “Have fun tonight. Enjoy yourself.”
With that, she wandered down the hall, and I stared at my reflection. Maybe she was right? Maybe I could go out and have a good time and put a wee bit of effort into my looks.
I’d changed into a dress and put my curly hair into a low, twisty bun, allowing a few shorter tendrils to escape and frame my face. I even swiped a smidge of foundation onto my skin and ran some dark green eyeliner around the edges of my eyes; it made the hazel colour pop. After dotting my lips with a smear of lipstick, I snuck into Vera’s room and stole a dab of her dollar store perfume. At least it was something, and it smelled like caramel.
Francesca’s eyes widened as big as her growing smile when I joined her and Vera in the living room. “That’s what I’m talking about.”
“You look gorgeous.” Francesca tapped Vera and signed. “Doesn’t your mommy look pretty?”
She put her hand into a number five position, with her thumb touching her chin, and waved her fingers across her face until they touched her thumb. “Pretty.”
“Thank you.” I curtsied and planted a kiss on Vera’s forehead. “I won’t be out late.”
“Take your time, I won’t wait up.” She wiggled her brows.
I playfully smacked her across the shoulders. SigningI love youto them both, I drove across town to Harbour Chophouse.
After walking into the fancy, high-end restaurant and inhaling the scent of spicy, grilled meat, I glanced around looking for David. He was nowhere to be seen. A wild feeling that I’d been stood up started to brew in my gut.
“Can I help you?” The hostess asked.
“I’m just waiting for someone.”
“Can I seat you until they arrive?”
That would’ve been rude, so I shook my head. “No, thanks. I’ll just wait.”
Of course, I was a few minutes late, but that hadn’t meant David needed to leave, right?
A co-worker beside her tapped on the iPad. “Are you waiting for a guy?”