Page 10 of Unforgiven in Cheshire Bay
I sighed with relief. In our small town, it’s no surprise with the familiar last names. “No, that’s Francesca.”
“Well, there’s no way you’re older than Adam.” It was said with enough charm to soften my rough edges.
“Older and wiser.” Much wiser but only twenty-one months older.
“Erin.” His expression softened. “I like that name, and it suits you.”
Fighting to control my blush, remembering the reason I wasn’t supposed to like this guy, I inhaled. Instead, I shrugged as casually as I could. “Thank you. My parents named us well, and we grew into them. My youngest brother is a wild one, so it’s fitting he’s named Harrison, and Francesca, well, she’s the fun one, and Mia? Well, everyone loves her. My name is pretty low-key, and I tend to keep to myself.”
His gaze raked over my body. “Yeah, I can see that about you. You seem like the quiet, introspective type.”
Not sure if his statement was offensive or not, I backed away, pulling my scratched-out ideas closer to my chest. “So, we’re good? I can go and draw up the designs?”
He uncuffed his sleeve and rolled it up his muscular forearm, giving me what Chloe called arm porn. She was right though, there was something about that look.
With a quick clearing of his throat, he nodded. “I do believe so. I’d be delighted to see what you can create.”
I needed to tear my gaze away from the well-defined arm and remember how to breathe. Blinking rapidly, I ran over my scribbled notes to make sure I had everything. “Perfect. And where can I invoice for the estimate?”
Lifting a finger, he sauntered over to the hostess stand, reached inside, and produced a business card. “Here’s my card.”
“Thanks, I already have it.” I opened up my notebook and tapped the card paperclipped to the top.
“Oh, excellent. You can invoice the email listed and call me if you have any questions.”
Oh, I had questions, but none that related to this consultation.
“Thank you very much for your business, David.” I extended my hand, preparing for his squeeze of pain. Instead, it was a much gentler shake, and I sighed with relief.
“Truly, the pleasure is all mine.”
My heart stuttered. Scrambling, I dug through my bag for a business card, unable to locate one. “You have my number, right?”
“Yes, ma’am.” He held my gaze for a heartbeat.
What was wrong with me? This man nearly destroyed my life. Why was my body being such a traitor, warming all over from his intense look?
I swallowed and started toward the main entrance. “Perfect. I’ll invoice you tonight and draw up the ideas today and tomorrow, along with a rough estimate in cost.”
“Typically, I’m within 5% of my estimate, and if I’m over, I’ll eat the difference.” But I won’t be with him. My inflated costs, as per Libby’s idea, would give me a lot of breathing room.
“Sounds fair.”
I put my things away. “I’ll be in touch.”
My hand was on the door, pushing it open when he quickly approached me. “Wait. Can I interest you in lunch?”
“Here?” The word was out before I could stop myself. Of course it was a stupid thing to say.
“Yes.” There was a smirk in his eyes, but it was laced with confusion. “My treat.”
My gaze fell to his polished shoes. “I’d love to, but I have somewhere I need to be.”
He shuffled. “Fair enough. Raincheck, Erin?”
Why was the way he said my name making my breath catch? I swallowed. “Sure.”