Page 14 of Journey to Cheshire Bay
“And why taking the bus would be the better alternative.” I winked. “Plus you could read or sleep, and not have to worry about any of this shit.”
“Except I get nauseated if I can’t see out the front window, so I’ll have to reject that idea on the grounds of not wanting to get sick.”
“How did you manage on the plane then?”
He tipped his head and pointed to a white, circular patch. “It’s a Scopolamine transdermal patch prescribed by my doctor, and since we’re now grounded, it’s useless.”
“Unless you take the bus?”
He pulled the little patch off and walked over to a nearby trash bin. “Problem solved.”
“Not really, unless you do decide to rent a car?” The line ups were starting to grow.
Holden reached forward and pulled a giant suitcase off the turning rack and placed it between us. “One down, one to go.”
I waited for my lonely checked bag, which had failed to make an appearance so far.
“Do you have a license?” I asked. Maybe that’s why he was hesitant.
“Of course.” He said it in such a way I nearly took offense.
“Then a car rental is the way to go. You can plug in your final destination in google maps, and boom, it’ll get you to Victoria.” I didn’t see what was so complicated about it.
Now Holden laughed, but I wasn’t sure why. “I know how Google maps work.”
“Figured.” I tipped my head and released a breath.
He gave me a friendly nudge. “You’ve never caught a ferry ride, have you?”
“No.” I wondered what that had to do with a car rental.
“They’re almost as expensive as a flight when you’re driving. Might be cheaper to drive to Vancover and fly into Victoria.”
“So, youarethinking about taking the rental, eh?” I leaned on my left foot and let a playful smirk tease its way across my face.
He scanned the lineup. “Fine. I’m contemplating the idea. I’ve just never rented a car before. It’s a lot of contracts and details.”
“It can’t be that hard.” I spotted my lone, giant suitcase as it birthed onto the baggage claim area. With a bit of a struggle, I lugged it off and hoisted it off the carousel, setting it down with a thump.
His face lit up, and he reached for his second bag, checking to make sure the tag on it was correct. “Nothing like taking home the wrong case.”
“That would suck.” Considering all my worldly possessions were enclosed in mine.
“That it?” he asked.
“That’s it.”
He scanned the area, and then focused back on my suitcase. “The rest of your things on a moving truck?”
I laughed, but it may have been due to the late hour. “No.” I shook my head. “This is it.”
“Oh. Wow.” His gaze jumped between my luggage, my backpack, and me, flipping back more times than I could count. “You still need to get to the island, right?”
“Eventually. My cousin’s friend is a pilot and will be picking me up.”
Holden tipped his head and a half grin showed. “How sweet is that?”
“It’s not an on demand thing, he’ll just happen to be in Victoria in the morning.”