Page 38 of Sinners & Gin - Top Shelf
Looking over my shoulder toward the kitchen, I knew that Tennessee was busy with his gravy and wouldn’t come looking for me. Matthew was gone. So, what harm was there in doing what I wanted? In doing what I needed?
Fuck. When had I become so paranoid of getting in trouble? Matthew and his infuriating dominance had me walking on eggshells now. I was a grown woman. I could go outside. Yes… I could go outside damnit.
I snuck out the front door and was extra careful to close it as quietly as I could. I felt like a teenager sneaking out of the house. A cough burned in the back of my throat, but I managed to hold it down. I didn’t want Tennessee to hear me and come running. In all honestly, I didn’t fear Tennessee like I did Matthew. But his disappointment in me would be worse than the wrath of Matthew.
Once I was outside, I allowed the cough to break loose, but didn’t allow it to stop my enjoyment of feeling the brisk air against my face. I walked over to a rocking chair on the porch and sat down to take in the view. Back and forth I rocked, closing my eyes as I listened to the birds chirp in the distance.
I must have fallen asleep, because I was awaking to a tapping on the large glass window by the door.
I turned my head with sleepy eyes toward the sound and saw Matthew standing there in a suit and tie. His eyes were dark, his jaw firmed. He mouthed the words, “You are in trouble,” and opened the door.
He had arrived home. I must have been in such a deep sleep, that I didn’t hear the helicopter land. Damn cold…
Oddly, I had a mixture of emotions seeing him. I was happy that he was finally back. Why?
My stomach also flipped at the way he looked at me and the silent warning he had issued.
For a minute I considered flipping him off, but I also didn’t want to test the man. The memory of the night before he left was still in my mind—hell, it hadn’t left my mind the entire time he was gone.
Walking up to me and taking me firmly by the arm, Matthew said, “Come with me now.”
There was no question, no suggestion, no choice. I knew that any resistance would only make it worse. Silently, I allowed him to lead me upstairs to my room. When we reached my door, he stopped and studied me for a moment.
There was a part of me that wanted to smile and hug him, but I resisted the urge. I had to blame cabin fever for my insane thoughts. Yes… cabin fever.
“Tennessee said you were upstairs sicker than a dog. How are you feeling?” The look of concern replaced the earlier anger on his face.
“I’m fine. I have a cough, but I don’t feel sick at all.” I hoped that my reassurance would make him realize that there was no need to be angry or overly concerned.
“What did Tennessee tell you?” he asked.
“He made me leave the kitchen. He told me to get some…” I watched the expression on his face go from concern to disciplinarian mode. I had seen this face all too often in our short time together.
“Tennessee told you what?” He crossed his arms against his chest.
I gulped. “To go to my room and get some rest.”
Matthew reached across me and opened the door to my bedroom, guiding me inside with him following. “So, let me get this right. Tennessee told you to go upstairs and get some rest. You decide to go against what he said and go outside and sit in the cold instead? To go sleep outside. Is that all correct?”
“I only have a cough, and it wasn’t cold outside. It was nice. I’m not really sick sick.”
Matthew touched my forehead feeling for a fever which I already knew I didn’t have. Other than my chest hurting like hell, I physically felt fine.
“I’m happy to hear that.” He pointed to my bed. “Bend over the bed. Bare your behind.” His expression, his tone, his entire presence meant business. He was the disciplinarian sent to do a job. I’d known that the minute he led me upstairs.
His rules. I knew by now what they were.
Structure. Consequences. Order.
“Matthew, please. I’ll crawl in bed like a good girl. You don’t need to punish me.” It really was pointless trying to plead with him. I’d learned that when Matthew had his mind set on something, no amount of pleading or arguing would get me out of this predicament, but a girl could hope.
“You should have done that before.” When I didn’t move, he nodded toward the bed. “Come on, Aria. You know you did this to yourself. Unless you want me to have Tennessee come up here and do it himself. You broke his order, not mine.”