Page 35 of Sinners & Gin - Top Shelf
I scowled at the man sitting across from me, and I would have told him to go fuck himself, but I had a mouth full of eggs and I was a lady. If Tennessee heard the spanking, then no doubt he heard the sounds of pleasure that also came from Matthew’s room. I could have been embarrassed, and in any normal situation I would have been. Mortified, in fact. But for some reason, I felt anything but. It wasn’t like this man could judge me for what I did when he was an accomplice to kidnapping.
“It could be a hell of a lot worse, and we could be in a lot of worse places.” He pointed to the softly falling snow outside. “I’m going to appreciate the break from the sweaty and sticky heat of New Orleans.” He looked back at me. “Have you ever been there?”
“Yes. A few times. My father conducts business at the port on occasion.”
“So, you help run your father’s business?” Tennessee seemed surprised by that incorrect assumption.
“No. He just likes me to travel with him wherever he goes. He feels it’s safer that way.” I huffed. “And yet, here I am. So, his little plan didn’t exactly work.”
“Matthew said your father is a crime boss.”
I nodded. “And he’s planning on the demise of Matthew Price as we speak.”
“Matthew is a powerful man himself. And your father pissed him the fuck off.”
“What exactly did my father do?”
“He stole a huge shipment of paintings with hidden diamonds stashed in the back. They belonged to Matthew. And knowing Matthew, it’s not just about the money lost, it’s about the hit on his pride.”
“Yeah, well kidnapping Vittorio’s daughter isn’t going to go over well. My father has just as much pride.”
“A good ol’ battle of wills may take place. But my bet is on Matthew coming out of this the victor.”
“And my bet is on my father,” I said. “And it’s not just because I’m his daughter. I know how ruthless that man is more than anyone else. He won’t just lose what he feels is now his. Regardless of how he got the property.”
“Well, for your sake, I hope he comes to reason. It would be a shame to see something happen to you all because of your pops being an asshole.”
“He’s more than an asshole,” I mumbled as I shoveled more eggs into my mouth to shut me up.
“Aww, I feel the love.”
Love? What exactly does that mean?
“What about your mother? Any siblings?” he asked.
“It’s just me and my father. And the several yes men in suits he keeps around us at all times.”
“I grew up in a small family too. Just me and a sister for the most part. My mama died young and my daddy was a drunk piece of shit.”
“My mother died young too,” I said, realizing I rarely spoke of her and didn’t feel like doing so now.
Tennessee stood up and began cleaning up the plates. “Did you get enough to eat?” he asked.
I nodded.
“So, I hear your dad is one kinky fuck,” Tennessee said.
“I suppose so.”
“No shame in that. I make a living because of kinky fucks.”
I looked at him with my interest piqued. “I thought you said you ran Spiked Roses.”
“Yeah, and that club hosts the raunchiest and dirtiest parties—which we call Tastings—you can imagine. But I’ve heard of your daddy’s pet parties. Is that where Matthew found you? Were you a naughty kitty?” Tennessee laughed, and I would bet money that he assumed I had nothing to do with the parties and he was just teasing me.
“I hate Scrabble,” I announced out of nowhere, wanting to change the subject. I was sick of talking about and thinking about my father. And I most certainly didn’t want to talk about how I met Matthew. It only made the memories of what I did with the man that night come rushing in.
“But have you tried drunk Scrabble?” Tennessee asked with a charming smile. “Anything can be fun with a gin and tonic in your hand and sitting by the fire. I think we can make the best out of this day. Trust me.”
“Says the man who’s holding me here hostage.” I leaned back in my chair and crossed my arms against my chest. As much as I wanted to dislike Tennessee, I really didn’t.
“Matthew gave a long list of rules—which isn’t surprising at all to me. His rules even had consequences listed next to them. And believe me, honey, you do not want to break his rules. Your poor heinie can’t take it. That man is by far the strictest and harshest task master I know. But nowhere on that list did it say we couldn’t drink all his booze.” Tennessee looked at the clock on the wall. “And in New Orleans, drinking and partying starts at all hours. So, I say we just have a little fun. It’s cold outside! Let’s heat our bellies.”