Page 29 of Sinners & Gin - Top Shelf
Matthew had showered and changed as well and looked far more casual in his own sweater and slacks. Even though he was no longer in an expensive suit, he still exuded wealth and power as he sat relaxed on a bar stool, without a care in the world, like he was on his first night of vacation.
“Would you like a drink?” Matthew asked.
I nodded. “Yes, please.” I looked at the tumbler in his hand. “Whatever you’re having.” It appeared Tennessee was drinking the same.
Matthew quickly made me a drink and handed it to me. We both made eye contact but didn’t say a word to each other. Was he feeling the awkward tension as well? I didn’t know if I should toss the drink in his face or smile nicely and thank him. I wanted to do both.
“I made roast, potatoes, carrots and peas,” Tennessee announced as he started bringing bowls to a four-man round table to the right of the kitchen island. The wooden table was simple and surrounded by windows. The little eating nook had a beautiful chandelier above it that screamed country charm. Each wooden chair was slightly different appearing as if they had each been found in a different barn somewhere. The table helped warm the kitchen which had expansive counter space of gray granite. The stove looked industrial and all the appliances were stainless steel. Money. Definitely money. And yet the cushions on the stools that surrounded the island looked homemade with the red checkered padding. Everything about the kitchen was a perfect blend of class and comfort. My father should hire Matthew’s designer.
I took a sip of the drink and assumed it was some sort of whiskey, but I had no real idea. I wasn’t going to ask and show my hand that I really didn’t drink often. The last time I drank was champagne at my father’s kink party and that ended with me having something shoved up my ass as a man sucked and licked my body.
My face heated from the memory, and I instantly grew more uncomfortable if that were even a possibility.
“Come on now. Sit your asses down and eat. My mama will roll over in her grave if I allow her roast recipe to go to waste by getting all dried out or cold.”
Matthew walked over to the table and pulled out a chair for me. My captor was a gentleman.
I sat down and inhaled the smells. I was absolutely famished and could have eaten anything, but having a good old-fashioned meal was truly a treat for me. I didn’t have that often, and when I did, it most certainly didn’t look and smell like the meal before me.
“You outdid yourself,” Matthew complimented as he started dishing the food onto his plate and then passing the dish to me.
“Yes, I most certainly did,” Tennessee praised himself.
I put the food on my plate, not caring if I appeared ladylike in my portion control. My father would most likely scowl if he were at the table as he always felt I should watch what I eat to remain thin and ‘delicate’. But he wasn’t at the table, and the roast was begging to be devoured.
“So, when are we going back to Spiked Roses?” Tennessee asked as he began to eat. “You didn’t tell me that there would be absolutely no cell service up here. How in the hell am I supposed to check in? No phone. No computer. I feel like I have stepped back in time.”
I ate in silence but was determined to take in every word. Spiked Roses? Maybe if I kept my head down and didn’t remind them that I was at the table, they would reveal things they didn’t want me to hear. I was really good at that growing up. I had overheard more things at dinners my father hosted than I’m sure anyone wanted me to hear. I was good at listening and observing. I could blend into the tablecloth like the best of spies.
“I’m going to head back tomorrow for a quick check-in and to conduct some other business.” Matthew’s eyes darted toward me and then back toward his meal. “Don’t worry. I’m sure Kenneth is running just as tight of a ship as you do.”
Tennessee huffed. “I doubt that.”
“I’ll return a quickly as I can. I already told Aria that if she needs anything, to make me a list. I hope you will as well. Especially if there are any grocery items you need. I had the refrigerator stocked in the kitchen as well as one in the garage but there may be something special you want or need.”
“Is that sexy pilot who flew me up here coming back to get you?” Tennessee asked. “That was something special I want and need.” Tennessee laughed at his own joke, but neither Matthew nor I did. Tough crowd for the boisterous man.