Page 17 of Sinners & Gin - Top Shelf
She shot back up as if she were on a spring, and I put her back in her place each time, but on the third instance, my patience—for which I had never really been known for—had reached its end.
“Aria stop. It’s cold, and you’re shaking. Stop being so stubborn,” I warned. I hoped my stern voice was enough to stop her actions. I wasn’t about to let her suffer the cold and be miserable all because she was too stubborn to admit she needed my warmth.
“I’m fine.”
“Aria…” I wasn’t going to play this battle of wills.
“I’m not cold.” Her body still shook, but not as badly since the fire clearly was working its magic.
“I don’t appreciate being lied to.” I tightened my grip on her when she tried to stand, preventing her from doing so.
“And I don’t appreciate you being a bossy asshole. I’m a grown woman and can do what I want, damn it. Cold or not.”
It was laughably easy to push her onto her stomach, then reach down and lift both the hem of her robe, my jacket and the blanket up over her head.
“Stop! What are you doing?” she screeched.
“I don’t know what manners your parents clearly didn’t teach you, but you do not have the mouth of a lady. I won’t tolerate it.”
Relieving her first of the blanket, my jacket followed, and then I took hold of her robe, shedding her of it in seconds, and throwing everything across the room just before one hand descended on the back of her neck, holding her in place for the other hand that immediately found cheeks that were icy cold to the touch.
“Who do you think you are? Who are you to say how I speak?” She struggled with all her might with little effort needed to control her on my part.
“That, my princess, you are about to find out.”
Besides intriguing and interesting, she was also one of the most headstrong, most stubborn females I had ever encountered. And if I were truthful with myself, which I was only sometimes of late, I would admit that I would love to maybe enjoy this time I had with her taming her to my hand. So that when I put her somewhere, she stayed there, or when I told her to do something, she did it immediately and without question.
“You let go of me this instant!”
“Not as long as you are under my roof. And for now, this cabin serves as that. You belong to me. No woman of mine will talk to me with such disrespect.” I punctuated my words with a loud swat to her bare behind, and then another for good measure.
“I’m not some whore who can be owned. I’m not yours,” she bit back.
“Exactly!” I peppered her ass at rapid speed, spanking every inch of skin I could, only to repeat the same action again. “You are not a whore. You are a classy woman and should act as such. And since you clearly have forgotten how a grown, sophisticated, and elegant woman acts, I’ll take it upon myself to remind you.”
Damn, I would enjoy that enormously. My cock was hard, my heart beat rapidly, but my determination to teach Aria a lesson kept me focused on the task at hand.
As I spanked her, delivering crisp, and deliberately very painful swats to every inch of the flesh that was available to me above her knees and beneath the small of her back, my cock became even further engorged, pressing uncomfortably against my pants.
Not that she simply lay there and let me swat her. She was like a whirling storm, doing her best to try to move the parts of her that I didn’t have my hand on, most particularly her legs, until I very carefully placed one of mine over hers, effectively and efficiently trapping them against the bed so that she had no choice but to be still for her punishment.
“You son of a bitch!” she yelled at the top of her lungs, but the fight began to ease up a bit.
“I don’t know what kind of upbringing you come from, princess, but whoever taught you how to be a lady, they did you a great disservice by not teaching you to obey a man who wears a gun and has a hand on your ass. Frankly, they did a disservice not teaching you to show respect to a man, period.”
“I have never had a man treat me the way you do, you chauvinistic shithead,” she wailed as I continued with the spanking. I made sure to pay close attention to her sit spots this time, enjoying the way her flesh rippled beneath my hand.
“Well, that is a shame. It’s a shame you haven’t had a man who cared enough and loved you enough to take you in hand when you need it.”