Page 36 of Caged: A Dark Mafia Romance
“What? Dylan? No, I think you—”
“It’s amazing what a pig will squeal when he’s having his head punched in.”
Eddie nodded. “Yes, he works with the Moretti family. He’s not the first dirty shithead who acts all high and mighty good when really he’s a piece of garbage. You’d be surprised how many of your colleagues are under a payroll other than just from Uncle Sam.”
“But why would Dylan want me dead?” I couldn’t believe what Eddie was saying, but the sick feeling in the pit of my gut warned me that it could possibly be true. Why would Eddie be lying to me right now? What purpose did that serve?
“About a year ago, the ruling mafia families made a blood oath for peace. We agreed on territories and how we all could do business without a war. The Moretti family can’t come after the Vascos with guns and killing. But they can try to have us shut down by putting us all behind bars. Have the Feds breathing down our necks isn’t exactly good for business. And if we get framed for some high profile deaths, and I get put behind bars… well, Moretti can sweep in on my territories.” Eddie repositioned his body and studied me for several moments. “I don’t know why he wanted you to die exactly. But it would look like I would have the motive to kill you since you were building a case on me. Also that young cop who died may have had some information on Dylan being involved with Moretti. Maybe Dylan felt you were getting too close and would eventually figure out his involvement as well.”
“Jesus…” I gasped. “Dylan was my friend.”
Eddie shrugged. “You shouldn’t trust a soul in that department of yours. I have a couple under my payroll as does every mafia don on the Eastern coast.”
I sat back and pulled my legs to my chest, feeling the overwhelming need to cry. It wasn’t the first time I had been lied to or betrayed by someone, but the feeling never got easier.
“So why did you save my life?” I asked softly.
“You didn’t deserve to die, for one. And because just as you were watching me, I was watching you. I felt like I owed you protection. You were under my watch and no one was going to be killed right before my eyes and then pinned on me,” Eddie said.
“Thank you,” I said, and I actually truly meant it.
“I know you wanted me to keep Dylan alive, and as much as I hated the man, I also didn’t want you to feel his death was on you. Blood on the hands is not something I would wish on you.”
“So what now? What happens to Dylan? Will you kill him?” I asked, not sure if I liked that idea or not. Rage hadn’t kicked in yet, but I was pretty sure it was just a matter of time until I wanted to kill the man myself.
Eddie shook his head. “No. I don’t need to. When we release Dylan alive with all those bruises on his face, after a couple of days, Moretti will know that Dylan ratted them out in exchange for his life. Dylan will be a dead man walking.” Eddie smirked. “Moretti will do the job and even worse than I would have. He’s far more ruthless when it comes to snakes.”
“And me?” I asked. “Do you plan on letting me go?”
Eddie nodded. “In time. When I know for a fact you are safe. When Dylan is dead and your name isn’t being discussed in the shadows anymore. But until I know there aren’t any more hits, I want to keep you here with me.”
Feeling an overwhelming sense of gratitude—even though I was in a cage—I said, “Thank you, Eddie.”
There was a long moment of silence where both Eddie and I stared into each other’s eyes. It was the kind of stare that two lovers give right before they lean in for the romantic kiss. Though not for us. We still had metal bars of a cage separating us as well as the fact that we lived two worlds apart. Although I had always figured his world was the bad one and mine the good until this very second. My world may very well be the worst of the worst. At least in Eddie’s dark world, they admitted to their sins. They didn’t try to hide them and pin them on someone else. The people in my world were shady fucks. Right now, this very second, I much preferred Eddie’s world.
“Do you want out of the cage?” he asked, seductively hypnotizing me with his husky voice.
I remained silent and still, uncertain if his question was a trap of some sort.
“I’ll tell you what,” he said. “You can stay in that cage, roll over and get some sleep. I will leave you alone even though my cock is hard again and I want to fuck you until you scream my name.” He pressed up on his elbows, revealing his rippled abs. “Or you can crawl out of that cage and come sit on my face so I can lick you.” He smiled. “The choice is completely up to you.”